  • 學位論文

不同來源之細本山葡萄組織培養系統建立 及其白藜蘆醇含量分析

Establishment of culture system and quantitation of resveratrol from different sources of Vitis thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc.

指導教授 : 何錦玟


收集自臺灣各地區的52個細本山葡萄(Vitis thunbergii Sieb.et Zucc.) 樣品,並從中選取五種葉的缺刻型態具有顯著差異之樣品為材料,調查5個成熟葉的型態特徵分析,結果顯示各形態特徵間均呈現顯著差異;其次進行組織培養系統建立及癒合組織誘導,無菌植株可持續繼代於不含生長調節劑之MS培養基,若使用添加0.54 mgl-1 BA,則有多芽體增殖;而葉柄及根部培植體,以MS培養基添加1.5 mgl-1 NAA及0.5 mgl-1 BA或單獨添加2 mgl-1 TDZ之兩種固體培養基進行癒合組織誘導,培養30天後,將培養細胞之甲醇萃取物經由高效能液相層析檢測白藜蘆醇(resveratrol)總含量,結果發現不論葉柄或根部培植體,皆以MS培養基添加1.5 mgl-1 NAA及0.5 mgl-1 BA所再生的癒合組織含有較高的白藜蘆醇總含量,樣品間的比較以Zud.組最高(4363 mg/kg DW callus),從培養細胞檢測所得白藜蘆醇總含量為野外植株之110倍,但從五個野外株莖段樣品之甲醇萃取物檢測白藜蘆醇總含量,結果卻以Puli.組最高(215 mg/kg DW),顯示野外植株及其經組織培養後再生組織在白藜蘆醇總含量表現並不一致,野外植株指標成分不高,但可能在另一培養系統中表現出高含量。


The fifty-two plant samples of Vitis thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. were collected from different areas in Taiwan and significant variations of morphological characteristics in mature leaves were found among five collected lines. Five samples with significant variation of morphological trait in leaf sinus were used to establish the in vitro culture and callus induction.The plantlets regenerated when node cultured on MS medium without plant growth regulator used at the continuous subculture. The multiple shoot were induced when node cultured on MS medium added BA 0.54 mgl-1. The callus formed from petiole and root segment of plantlet were cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA 1.5 mgl-1 and BA 0.5 mgl-1 or TDZ 2 mgl-1 alone within one month. The resveratrol total contents of methanol extract was higher in callus cultured on medium with NAA and BA than medium with TDZ. The source of explant originated from Zud.’s sample showed highest total contents of resveratrol (4363 mg/Kg DW callus) among five collected samples. The plant tissue collected from the field in Puli. was found to have the highest resveratrol total contents (215 mg/Kg DW). These results indicated that the wild-grown plants of Vitis thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. through tissue culture in the performance of the total contents of resveratrol is not consistent. The metabolites quantity contained is not high in the wild-grown plants, it may be has demonstrated high levels in vitro culture system.


callus resveratrol Vitis thunbergii in vitro PGR


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