  • 學位論文

整合FPGA以多核心無線電平台 設計WiMAX基頻通訊系統

Integrating FPGA with Multi-Core SDR Development Platform to Design WiMAX Baseband System

指導教授 : 林登彬


本論文使用Lyrtech SFF之軟體無線電(Software Defined Radio)開發平台設計全球互通微波存取(WiMAX)基頻通訊系統。在Matlab/Simulink環境下使用模型化基礎設計(Model-based Design)方式建構系統,並將運算複雜之里德所羅門編解模組(Reed-Solomon Codec)、隨機產生器(Randomizer)以及解隨機產生器(Derandomizer)以元件可程式邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)實現。最後使用硬體迴路模擬(Hardware-in-the-loop co-simulation)測試系統在不同訊號雜訊比(Signal Noise Ratio)值的可加性白高斯雜訊(Additive White Gaussian Noise)干擾下之錯誤率。模擬的結果顯示第六模組與第七模組之系統性能符合WiMAX之需求。


This thesis uses Lyrtech SFF software defined radio (SDR) development platform to design the WiMAX baseband communication system. It constructs the system on the Matlab/Simulink environment in the way of Model-based Design, and realize Reed-Solomon codec, randomizer and derandomizer with FPGA. Finally it uses Hardware-in-the-loop co-simulation to observe the bits error rate of system under the white Gaussian noise channel disturbance of different SNR value. From the result, the system’s performance of 6th and 7th mode is meeting the demand of the WiMAX.


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