  • 學位論文

以基因演算法達成 全覽式中文注音輸入法之盤面設計

A Full-View Input Panel Design for Chinese Phonetics based on Genetic Algorithm

指導教授 : 虞台文


肢體障礙者與一般人使用電腦的需求無異,甚至由於他們可能更加依賴電腦,使用的頻率相對更顯頻繁且時間更長,在人因工程上的要求比一般人來得更高。電腦操作是為一般人設計,傳統輸入設備, 如鍵盤、滑鼠需良好的手眼協調來操作,對動作協調能力不佳的重度肢體障礙者而言,將形成相當大的困擾。本論文將提出全覽式中文輸入法之概念,螢幕同時顯示了418個中文的一聲單音,用戶可以拖曳游標方式選擇單音及聲調,單一操作便可搞定任一中文單字注音之輸入。透過為肢障者所設計用來模擬游標的特殊輔具,可大大減少肢障者輸入中文注音所需的動作次數,提升肢體障礙者使用電腦上的方便性。全覽式中文輸 入法的成功關鍵在於輸入盤面的設計,一合理的輸入盤面必須讓使用者能夠輕易且快速的定位至所欲選取的單音。以電腦來輔助輸入盤面的設計,必須考慮單音間的相似性或距離關係,並定義適當的標的函數(Object Function),以求取``最佳盤面''。本研究將以基因演算法來求取此最佳盤面。經由實驗所得到之最佳盤面,相似之單音有相互聚集的趨勢,將此盤面適當上色可有效地助用戶快速定位需要之單音。將此盤面功能延伸可用於電子數位板、平板電腦、IPAD等觸控型裝置作文中文輸入,除了可嘉惠肢體障礙者外,一般使用者也能一併受惠。


The need of using computer for physically disabled persons is no different from normal persons. Owing to the more dependency on computers for the former, the frequency of using computers is relatively more frequent, the period is even longer and, hence, the demand on human-factor engineering is much higher. The original design of computer interface is for normal users, traditional input devices, such as keyboard and mouse, require good hand-eye coordination to operate. For severe physically disabled persons with poor hand-eye coordination, it must be a big barrier. This thesis proposes the concept of full-view input method for mandarin words based on phonemes corresponding to valid phonetic-symbol combinations. The 418 mandarin phonemes of the 1st tone are simultaneously displayed in an input panel. Users can select the desirable phoneme and tone by dragging the cursor. This allows any phoneme of mandarin word to be selected in a single operation. With the help of special assistive technology device to simulate mouse device, physically disabled persons can greatly reduce the total number of operations needed to access any mandarin phoneme. This facilitates physically disabled persons to access a computer. The key point to successfully design such an input panel lies on the arrangement of phonemes. A reasonable arrangement must allow users to easily and quickly navigate to the desired phoneme. Using a computer to aid the design of input panel, the similarity or distance between each pair of phonemes must be properly defined. Accordingly, the object function of an input panel can then be defined for finding the optimal input panel. This research used genetic algorithm to search the optimal input panel. Experiment shows that the similar phonemes have the trend to clustering together in the resulting panel. Furthermore, coloring phonemes according to their auditory features is another way to facilitate users to locate the desirable phonemes. Extending the concept of the panel to other touch devices, such as digitizer, tablet PC, and IPAD, as input devices of mandarin words, in addition to benefit disabled people, normal users can be benefited as well.


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