  • 學位論文


Examining the Effect of Technology Readiness and Switching Costs to Operating System Switching Intention

指導教授 : 陳煇煌


本研究以Burnham et al., (2003)所提出的轉換成本類型與轉換意圖的關係為主要架構,探討哪些消費者轉換成本會影響消費者轉換作業系統的意圖,並在經由文獻探討後加入科技準備度做為干擾變數,企圖驗證隨著不同消費者科技準備度的高低,會影響不同消費者轉換成本對於轉換意圖之間的關係。 本研究透過問卷發放並回收429個有效樣本,利用結構方程模式來進行確認性因素分析,檢定模式的適配度,並透過路徑分析結果,來驗證研究假說,經研究後發現:(1) 不同類型的轉換成本類型會顯著且負向影響消費者作業系統轉換意圖。包括:程序型轉換成本中的「經濟風險成本」、「評估成本」、「學習成本」與心理與情緒型轉換成本中「消費者舒適」的和「消費者認同」。(2) 影響消費者轉換作業系統的各類型轉成本當中,以消費者舒適最為顯著,其次為評估成本。(3) 科技準備度對於消費者轉換成本與轉換作業系統意圖之關係存在干擾作用。包括「經濟風險成本」、「學習成本」、「建置成本」與「消費者認同」。


This study adopted the framework from the theory of the switching costs by Burnham et al., (2003) to discuss which customers’ switching costs will influence the switching intention of operating system. In this study we also verified the technology readiness play as a moderator on the relationship between the switching costs and the switching intention of operating system. This study collected 429 samples from questionnaire, conducted confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modeling to verify the hypothesis with path analysis result. Results of the analysis showed that different types of switching costs have significantly and negative influence on customers’ switching intention of operating system such as economic risk costs, evaluation costs, learning costs, customers’ comfort and customers’ identification. Finally we also found that technology readiness would be a moderator on the relationship between the switching costs and the switching intention of operating system.


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