  • 學位論文

產品意象偏好之研究 — 以中國水龍頭市場為例

Products Image Preferences Study — China taps market as an example

指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究經由篩選過的三十支水龍頭的意象偏好測試,來探討中國水龍頭市場意象的關鍵構成要素,以作為將來意象研發的參考基準;期望能更精準的檢視與預測目標市場,讓開發的產品直指核心,同時可經由建立感性檢驗標準的共識來產生風格意象設計上贏的策略。 透過問卷調查,用主成份分析、集群分析、線性迴歸分析、單因子變異數分析、一般線性模式的重複量數分析、Pearson 相關分析等方法解析與歸納結論。 具體研究成果如下: 1. 主成份分析中獲得水龍頭意象構成要因分別是:「大眾化 - 差異化」、「輕柔 - 強壯」、「華麗 - 簡約」;其中差異化是目前中國水龍頭偏愛的構成要因,輕柔和簡約則是挑起購買慾的要因。 2. 目標品牌產品的意象主要分佈在「大眾化 – 差異化」兩端,需強化輕柔與簡約的要因才能提昇購買慾。 3. 非常東方意象的產品是很難以進口品牌的方式在中國行銷。 4. 一般受測者理性思考時認為實用性和搭配非常重要,但有個性的商品才是直覺的期待。


The purpose of this study is to develop the image study skills and analysis tools to improve product image design quality via China taps market product image preferences research. There are 2 major analyses in this study. The first one is exploring the relationships between 30 selected faucets personal preference, and purchasing intention for local products and global branded taps. Second analysis is studying the image variance in between 5 groups ranked by the preference of import taps. The study brings the following results: 1. Common - Distinctive, Light - Strong, Rich - Simple are the 3 major faucet image factors. Further more key factor of China tap preference is Distinctive. Light and Simple are driving the faucet buying power. 2. Most of targeted brand products are in the Common - Distngish axis, but need to enhance light and simple image to make people to buy. 3. It is next to impossible to sell import branded faucets with Asian image in China market. 4. China People will believe pragmatic and collocation are the key factors for selecting faucets, but in fact they always buy the product, they just like it which is very distinctive.


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