  • 學位論文


A Study on the Innovative Design of Braille Input Applied on Mobile Phones

指導教授 : 黃維信


我們生活周遭的環境與產品大多是為一般大眾設計的,視障者是社會中人口佔少數的群體,相對地在日常生活中面臨了許多困境,目前市售行動電話與相關應用在設計與發展階段中,甚少將視障者的需求納入考量,本研究站在使用者為中心的視點,透過文獻探討以及問卷調查、深入訪談法與參與觀察法,深度瞭解視障使用者的要求與潛在需求,研究對象以滾雪球抽樣法取得能符合研究目的且能充分代表研究現象、提供豐富資訊的視障朋友(研究樣本)。 第一階段「視障者手機使用需求」之研究結果:(1)得知視障者手機五項重要基本使用需求,其中之建立通訊錄、撰寫簡訊兩項重要基本使用需求足以顯示視障者對於手機輸入文字與資訊的使用上,仍面臨相當大的不便與困難。(2)從視障者需求中萃取出三項創新設計價值機會點。第二階段以創新價值機會點思考視障者手機與相關應用的發展,提出一「盲文點字應用於手機文字輸入」之創新設計方案,本研究亦稱為「手機點字輸入法(Mobile Braille IME)」。設計創作主要內容:點字由六點的變化產生不同的字音與意義,而國語點字是以注音符號拼成字義,本研究將點字記號之「1、2、3、4、5、6 點」對應至手機數字鍵盤的「1、4、7、2、5、8 鍵」,依照點字規則的概念在手機上進行文字內容的輸入,並且利用「語音合成技術」的「即時語音報讀」與音效輔助聽覺回饋,視障者可確認輸入內容正確與否,同時也讓「選字」功能得以實現。 經過實驗驗證以及深入訪談的結果瞭解,點字各種排列組合所變化的「形狀」能夠很直覺地呈現於視障者的腦海,在實驗中執行輸入簡訊任務時,便可快速地在手機上透過數字鍵盤輸入六點變化的點字,視障者不需要特別思索或學習就能理解使用。實驗結果顯示執行任務之正確率、使用之滿意度皆高,可幫助視障者在日常生活中使用手機時,能夠獨立且不依靠他人便可達到建立通訊錄、撰寫簡訊、記錄記事的目的,更可以使用手機行動上網搜尋資訊、積極參與社會,以滿足各層面的需求。


點字 輸入法 盲人 視障者


The surrounding environments in which we live today and the daily goods we use are mostly designed for the majority of us, rarely considered are those minority of visually impaired people, who are often confronting difficulties in their daily lives. For instance, mobile phones and the relevant applications available in the current market, in their design and developing phases, have hardly taken into consideration the needs of the visually impaired people. This research takes the stands of the needing users as the pivot viewpoint, by research into relevant articles along with questionnaires as well as in-depth interviews and participant observation methodology, to comprehend in depth the requests and latent requirements of the visually impaired people. The research targets are filtered by the roll-the-snowball sampling method for those visually impaired people most qualified to represent the phenomenon of the research and capable of providing abundant relevant information (Research Sampling). In the first phase of the research - “Mobile Phone Usage Requirements by the Visually Impaired People”, it comes to the fulfillments of : (1) comprehension of the five fundamental requirements by the visually impaired people, and two of which - establishing address book and writing text messages, are bringing visually impaired people tremendous inconvenience and challenges of data input to and information usage on mobile phones; (2) three innovative value opportunity points extracted from the requirements of the visually impaired people. In the second phase, the three innovative value opportunity points are taken into consideration on the development of mobile phone and relevant applications, with focus on the visually impaired people, and a creative plan of 「Braille Application on Mobile Phone Text Input」 is proposed, which is terminologically called 「Mobile Braille IME (Input Method)」 in this research. The main features of the innovation: the Braille is composed of various combinations of six dots forming different pronunciations and meanings, in contrast with the traditional Mandarin Braille which is based on phonetic symbols to constitute various meanings. This research corresponds the Braille symbols of dots 「1、2、3、4、5、6」with the digits of「1、4、7、2、5、8」on the mobile phone's digit keypad, and text messages are keyed-in based on the Braille rules of concept, aided with「speech synthesis」of 「real-time voice speak」 and hearing auxiliary feedback, so the visually impaired can be assured of correct inputs, and making “word spelling” possible. With experimental verifications and profound interviews, we learned that forms of various Braille dot combinations can be intuitively impressed in the minds of the visually impaired people. In these experiments, the visually impaired can key-in dotted words using the six dots combinations swiftly on the mobile phone keypad without too much pondering or the need of pre-learning, with high execution accuracy and user ratification. This is to promote practicality、convenience and efficiency for the visually impaired to use mobile phones in daily life. They can independently establish address book、write text messages and put down notes on mobile phones, and even go internet via mobile phones to search for information、actively participate in the society as well as have other aspects fulfilled.


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