  • 學位論文


A Study of Scenario Analysis And Product Innovation Design For The Future Application of The 4th Generation Mobile Phone

指導教授 : 林季雄


第四代(4G,4th-Generation)行動通訊是最新的行動通訊系統,傳輸速率達到100Mbps以上,預期全球將在2007年提出標準規格,到2014 年推出商用化產品。由於4G能夠提供更為高速的網路服務,所覆蓋的範圍更為廣泛,可以想像未來4G行動電話的出現,將徹底改變我們現有的生活型態,為人類創造出新的使用價值。 本研究將透過行動通訊之發展趨勢的相關文獻探討,對於4G行動通訊技術進行了解,規納出可運用的範疇,並針對15~54歲使用族群(學生與上班族)進行調查。第一階段為行動電話現況與需求調查問卷,內容包括使用者基本資料、行動電話使用經驗、4G功能需求與行動電話造型考量、行動電話基本規格需求調查四個部分,根據問卷統計結果整合出兩族群在各項需求方面的差異。 在設計訪談部份是透過焦點團體應用情境設計的模式進行功能操作情境描述,每位參與者以人、事、物、環境的融合來進行情境發想,參與者個別訂定學生與上班族角色,在各項功能的選擇下以文字敘述來呈現功能操作情境與使用方式,並從所敘述的情境中互相探討其功能操作時可能面臨的問題點且提出可解決問題的方案。 本研究根據焦點團體所提出的功能操作與情境模式,將行動電話在硬體操作方面區成五種機能要素,分別為螢幕種類、按鍵形式種類、功能選單操作種類、輸入媒介種類以及安全辨識種類。透過這五種機能要素的組合,並搭配焦點團體的意見來幫助激發出4G行動電話的設計概念。藉由第一階段問卷結果與焦點團體討論後的意見配合,本研究共設計出八款未來4G行動電話形式,依據各族群功能需求以圖片模擬方式呈現各項功能操作情境。 最後,將本研究所提出的設計案透過第二階段的設計驗證問卷調查,內容包括外觀造型、人因工程、產品功能與4G增添功能操作四個部分,得知本研究所提出的設計成果大多能滿足兩族群之需求。在設計案偏好類型中,學生偏好設計案A與設計案D;上班族偏好設計案E與設計案F,其中,兩族群所選擇的設計案D與設計E皆屬於摺疊式行動電話設計,設計案A屬於一體成形式行動電話設計,設計案F屬於滑蓋式行動電話設計,也印證第一階段問卷調查中所顯示的這兩族群偏好的行動電話類型順序。然而,也發現到學生對於八個設計案的整體接受程度較低;上班族對於八個設計案的接受程度則相對較高。在本研究所有設計案提出的功能模擬操作方面,學生族群對於設計案G與設計案H皆有低於3的評價,表示這兩個設計案對於學生族群需求認同有再加強與改善的部分。本研究也針對學生與上班族偏好之四個設計案,製作產品使用情境與操作模擬展板,讓設計案能夠更加完善。


4G (4th-Generation) mobile communication is the latest mobile communication system, with a transfer rate of over 100Mbps. It is expected that a standard specification will be proposed in 2007 for the world, and 2014 will see the promotion of commercial products. 4G can provide network services with even greater speed, broader coverage; it is imaginable that future appearance of 4G mobile phones will totally change our existing ways of life, to provide new usage values for human beings. This study uses the literature exploration of mobile communication developmental trends to understand 4G mobile communication techniques and summarize feasible ranges, to conduct investigation for users between 15~54 (students and white-collar workers). The first stage is the mobile phone condition and needs questionnaire, which includes the four parts of basic data of users, mobile phone usage experience, 4G functional needs, mobile phone form considerations, and basic mobile phone specification needs. Questionnaire results are used to summarize differences between the two groups in terms of their needs. The interview portion uses the model of focus groups in scenario designs to conduct operational scenario descriptions. Each participant brainstorms the scenario by combining people events, things, and the environment. Participants are given roles as students or workers, who use text descriptions under the selection of each function to demonstrate usage scenarios and methods, and use the scenarios to explore potential problems in using the functions, and propose possible solutions. Based on the functional operation and scenario models proposed by focus groups, this study divides mobile phones into five functional elements in terms of hardware operation, which are screen type, button format type, menu operation type, input media type, and security identification type. The combination of these five functional elements is complemented with the opinions of focus groups to inspire design concepts for 4G mobile phones. By complementing questionnaire results in the first stage and focus group discussion, this study designed 8 types of future 4G mobile phone forms; the functional needs of each group are displayed by image simulation to demonstrate the functional operation scenarios. Finally, the designs proposed by this study are evaluated through the second stage design verification questionnaire, which includes the four aspects of external appearance, ergonomics, product functions, and 4G added functions. It was found that designs proposed by this study could generally fulfill the needs of these two groups. In terms of design preferences, students preferred Design A and Design D; workers preferred Design E and Design F. Of which, Design D and Design E, selected by both groups, were both folding mobile phone designs; Design A is a block mobile phone design; Design F is a sliding-cover mobile phone design, which confirms the sequence of preferences of these two groups, as found in the first stage questionnaire. However, it was found that students have lower overall acceptance for the eight designs; workers have relatively higher acceptance for the eight designs. Among all the designs, the function simulation operations in this study, the student group gave both Design G and Design H scores of lower than 3, which means that these two designs need to be enhanced and improved upon for appeal to student groups. This study also emphasizes the four designs preferred by students and workers, to make product usage scenarios and operation simulation display boards to further improve the designs.


(6) 經濟部技術處,2004/12/12
(1) Davies and Holmes,2002,Design breakdowns, scenarios and rapid application development.
(2) Imaz and Benyon,1999,Scenarios and the HCI-SE design problem.
(3) Jarke et al.,1998,CREWS: Towards Systematic Usage of Scenarios, Use Cases and Scenes.
(4) Seybold,2001,Get Inside the Lives of Your Customers.


劉大衛(2011)。以情境分析法探討3D Panel發展趨勢〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100577
