  • 學位論文


The Forth Party Logistics Platform in Web2.0 for SaaS

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


企業全球運籌需求之增加,第四方物流平台(4PL)提供之服務也變得更複雜,唯有將物流產業進行水平與垂直整合,以持續創新服務。隨著資訊科技與創新應用的快速發展,使Software as a Service (SaaS)孕育而生,透過SaaS不但可協助4PL平台加速軟體開發,亦可提升高附加價值服務與有效管理3PL的能力, SaaS-based 4PL平台將是未來物流平台的趨勢。然而,隨著網際網路環境日趨成熟,現今強調使用者共同參與及建構網路內容的新世代--Web 2.0。因此,本研究將提出SaaS-based第四方物流平台的營運模式,並進一步探討Web2.0應用於SaaS-based 4PL平台,並以情境分析與模糊德爾菲法進行平台的驗證,其結果將可提供第四方物流平台業者作為參考依據。 本研究平台之Web2.0結合部落格及Google Maps API應用。透過部落格應用,物流成員可透過部落格分享資訊,提升3PL廠商與貨主之供需市場的透明度,改善雙方的互動模式;Google Maps API應用則可提供3PL選商之廠商分佈與廠商資訊及從出貨至到貨進倉之即時的貨況追蹤資訊。


Enterprises for the global deployment and logistics management is in great demand, fourth party logistics platform to provide the services have become more complex, and only carry on logistics industry level and perpendicular integration with continuously innovate to serve. With the innovative applications of information technology and the rapid development of Software as a Service (SaaS) breeding and health, not only through the SaaS platform can help accelerate software development 4PL but also enhance the high value-added services and 3PL's ability to effectively manage, SaaS-based platform will be based 4PL logistics platform for the future trend. However, with the Internet environment matures the current emphasis on user participation and the construction of the new generation of Internet content -Web 2.0. Therefore, this study will present the fourth party logistics platform for SaaS-based mode of operation, and further explore the application of Web2.0 for SaaS-based 4PL, and situational analysis and fuzzy Delphi method to validate the platform, the result will be able to provide fourth party logistics platform as a reference for the industry. In this study, this combined with Web2.0 platform blog and Google Maps API application. Apply through the blog, logistics members may share information through blogs, 3PL companies and shipper to enhance the transparency of supply and demand in the market to improve the mode of interaction between the two sides; Google Maps API application can be provided by 3PL providers of vendor selection and distribution of information and from vendors shipped to the arrival of real-time status of the cargo tracking information.


SaaS 4PL Platform Web2.0 Scenario Fuzzy Delphi Method


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