  • 學位論文

AISI 4340合金鋼電弧披覆Ti-Al-N薄膜之腐蝕與磨耗行為研究

Study on Corrosion and Wear Behavior of AISI 4340 Alloy Steel Arc-coated Ti-Al-N Films

指導教授 : 許正勳


AISI 4340 鋼為工業上常用之鎳鉻鉬合金鋼,其淬火硬化能佳、耐熱性佳,目前已廣泛應用於螺絲、齒輪及軸承等零組件,然而其缺點是抗腐蝕能力極差,因此本研究旨在使用AISI 4340當作基材,利用陰極電弧沉積技術分別披覆TiN、TiAlN單層膜及TiN/TiAlN多層膜於其上,期望能改善AISI 4340之耐蝕性,並強化其耐磨耗性,以評估增加其使用壽命之可行性。 本研究利用SEM、XRD及TEM確認Ti-Al-N各膜層之形態及結構,並且利用奈米壓痕試驗、殘留應力量測、磨耗試驗、極化腐蝕試驗及浸泡腐蝕試驗來探討各膜層的性質。結果顯示TiAlN為單一FCC結構的相,利用CAD披覆Ti-Al-N鍍膜雖然提高了基材表面粗度(0.10~0.29 vs. 0.06μm),但三種鍍膜中以TiN/TiAlN多層膜的Ra值較小(0.1μm),有適當的殘留壓應力(-5.68GPa),且附著性最佳(HF1),因此在耐磨耗性方面,AISI 4340經TiN/TiAlN多層膜披覆後,摩擦係數可由0.809降低至0.455,同時在耐腐蝕方面,不論是在3.5 wt.% NaCl或10 vol.% HCl腐蝕環境下,AISI 4340經Ti-Al-N鍍膜後,皆可明顯改善其耐蝕性,其中又以TiN/TiAlN多層膜之表現最佳。


It is well-known that AISI 4340 steel belongs to a kind of Ni-Cr-Mo alloy steels. Because of it’s good quench hardenability and good heat resistance, AISI 4340 steel has been widely applied in screws, gears and bearing parts in recent years. However, the steel has a serious limitation in corrosion resistance. This study used AISI 4340 steel as the substrate, and then adopted cathodic arc deposition method to deposite the TiN, TiAlN single-layered and TiN/TiAlN multi-layered coatings on AISI 4340 steel for estimating the feasibility of increasing its using-life. In this study, SEM, XRD and TEM were used to confirm the morphology and structure of Ti-Al-N coatings. And the nano-indenter test, residual stress calculation, wear test, polarization test and immersion test were all performed to investigate the properties of Ti-Al-N coatings. The results showed that, TiAlN coating is a single phase of FCC structure. The coated AISI 4340 specimens had an increase in roughness as compared to the uncoated one (0.1~0.3 vs. 0.06 μm), but the TiN/TiAlN multi-layered coatings had the lowest roughness (0.1μm) among the coated specimens. Moreover, the TiN/TiAlN multi-layer possessed, appropriate residual compressive stress (-5.68GPa) as well as the best adhesion (HF1). Therefore, in wear property, the friction coefficient of AISI 4340 coated with TiN/TiAlN multi-layer was reduced from 0.809 to 0.455. In corrosion property, AISI 4340 coated with Ti-Al-N coatings could evidently improve the corrosion resistance when it was exposed to both the 3.5 wt.% NaCl and 10 vol.% HCl corrosive environment. In particular, the TiN/TiAlN coating has the best performance in corrosion resistance.


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