  • 學位論文


A Study on Integration of E-Commerce and ERP System

指導教授 : 李興漢


隨著資訊科技的發展演進,企業逐步地導入ERP 、CRM、SCM及EC系統,進行企業的E化,來提升企業的競爭力。這些資訊系統除了本身的建置成本高、企業尚需投入許多人力成本進行系統的導入及維護,而在導入各種應用系統的同時,企業內部的資訊也散落在各個資訊系統平台中。而因各個系統有不同的資料結構,及不同的標準介面,增加了企業內部異質系統整合的複雜度。因而近年來資訊系統整合的議題持續發燒,各個廠商及企業均投入相關的研發,以期能解決目前企業內部跨平台資訊不易取得及無法資訊 共享的問題。 電子商務系統是以ERP系統為基礎的應用,對於企業來說,兩者猶如前端與後臺系統,由電子商務系統負責承接顧客的訂單,再由ERP系統將企業營運中各流程的資料即時整合至會計模組中,但兩者未經整合,將使資訊無法一致性,降低資料的完整性及正確性,使資訊的透通性差,並使員工重複性的作業增加。 因而本研究參考相關文獻,以傳統點對點的整合方法為基礎,提出一個資訊系統的整合方法,並以國內半導體零件通路商龍頭為背景,進行系統實作。未來更可套用此整合模式,應用在企業的相關資訊系統整合上,以提升應用系統與作業流程整合的成功率。


Following the advancement of information technology, enterprises begin to utilize information systems such as ERP, CRM, SCM, and EC to establish e-business, in order to gain stronger competitiveness. In the process of implementing these information systems, enterprises also face challenges such as high hardware/software cost, high human resource costs for system implementation and maintenance, as well as the costs to integrate information distributed in various information system platforms. The different data structure and interface standards further increase the complexity in the integration of heterogeneous systems within enterprises. As a result, the integration of information systems has become a hot topic of research among companies and enterprises, attracting research resources to solve the issue of cross-platform information sharing within enterprises. In an enterprise, e-commerce system and ERP system are two systems that can work in sequence to complete business transactions. In practice, e-commerce system takes orders from customers and ERP system integrates information from business processes related the transaction into the accounting module. However, without proper integration, data in e-commerce system and ERP system may be inconsistent, incomplete, and incorrect, increasing employees’ burden of manual operation. Based on the traditional point-to-point integration concept, this study proposed a method to integrate e-commerce system and ERP system within an enterprise, and apply the method successfully in a leading semiconductor component distributor in Taiwan. The proposed integration method can be generalized to related information system integration within enterprises to improve the efficiency of information systems and process flow integration.


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