  • 學位論文


Effects of Social Influence on Their Acceptance of Online Group Buying

指導教授 : 陳明賢


隨著近幾年集體購買的盛行,參與的人從職業到年齡各式各樣都有,購買的產品也是千奇百怪。由於網路普及帶動電子商務,加上網路訊息傳播快速,容易讓消費者聚集討論,相互產生影響,甚至聚集購買產品,不僅僅達到以量制價、節省運費、還可以在網路上交到朋友,聚集到更多的消費者。 本研究探討口耳相傳、從眾行為、臨界數量三個不同社會影響因素與消費者集體購買意圖之間的關係。由於集體購買本身又受交貨時間、交貨地點的限制,消費者會因為受到怎樣的社會影響,願意參與這樣的活動呢。 本研究得到口耳相傳、從眾行為、臨界數量這三者對於集體購買意圖的正向影響,另口耳相傳對於從眾行為也有正向的影響;也就是說,1. 口耳相傳會正向影響從眾行為、集體購買意圖;2. 從眾行為會正向影響集體購買意圖;3. 臨界數量會正向影響集體購買意圖。最後根據本研究分析結果,提供集體購買產品業者與相關領域經營者建構其環境與管理層面之建議,並提供此研究領域之未來方向。


As in recent years, the prevalence of online group buying, the people involved have a wide range from professional to the age of purchase of the product is also strange. As Internet penetration driven e-commerce, network message communication with fast, easy for consumers to gather to discuss mutual influence, and even purchase products gathered not only to the amount of system price and save on shipping, you can also make friends on the Internet . This study investigated the reputation, conformity, a critical mass of three different social factors and customer satisfaction and the relationship between online group buying intention. Because of the online group buying lead time, place of delivery constraints, in the end the consumer will be affected by any factors, it is willing to participate in such activities. Expected to be word of mouth, conformity, a critical mass of these three options for the set of positive influence on intent, and these three also have a positive impact, and word of mouth of the collective has positive effects conformity; that is, 1. word of mouth significantly affect the online group buying intentions; 2. conformity significantly affect the online group buying intention; 3. word of mouth significantly affect the online group buying intention; 4. the consumers’ satisfaction significantly impact conformity. Based on the results of this study provides suggestions to the operator of online group buying according to the results and possible future research direction to the studied issue.


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