  • 學位論文


A Study of Tablet PC Used in Roadway Patrol Operation

指導教授 : 黃維信


公路的建置與維護情況,可以觀察出國家與政府的經濟與秩序,良好的公路與整體環境可以增加民眾對政府的信心跟滿意度,對於建設完成的公路與周邊設施,政府應盡到監督及保養之責任,以致於讓用路人感到安全舒適。公路總局對於設施項目的巡查作業便稱為「養路巡查作業」,本研究即針對養護巡查工作中的巡查資料記錄設備為對象,對於設備的型態、介面、系統做調查,歸納最合適之巡查設備與系統。 本研究的初期先找出目前巡查方式的缺點,歸納出目前巡查作業的缺失與不足後,再尋找改善的方法並在實驗中探討與証實,初期研究中得到的結論為:(1)PDA巡查設備對於使用性方面,介面大小是最不足的地方,致使使用者無法清楚迅速地閱讀螢幕顯示的資訊內容(2)PDA巡查系統的介面,對於使用者來說資訊過多不易閱讀,其擁擠的項目會造成點選的困擾(3)巡查過後的資料處理,在巡查作業中佔重要的部分,整齊完善的資料對於上傳與通報巡查結果有提升巡查效率的直接影響。在後期研究中,我們使用平板電腦結合新規劃的系統,經過實驗測試後,統整出以下結論:(1)巡查模式應配合不同使用與巡查情況做不同的彈性調整(2)由於巡查工具多、巡查時間長,因此巡查設備的重量對於巡查人員影響甚高,應予以注意慎選,而對於設備介面部分,由於現今系統畫面已經可以支援縮放,因此介面大小與設備重量相較之下可作為次要之考量(3)系統互動介面的流暢性、合理性相較於系統的畫面美觀程度更為重要,規劃出合宜的系統流程為影響使用性的關鍵。


Usually we can observer the economic and order of a nation and government by the build and maintain situation of roadways. The smooth roadways and comfortable environment can promote the confidence and satisfaction to the government. Government also has responsibility to keep the roadways and facilities in good shape that makes people feel comfortable. The DGH(Directorate General of Highways) calls the facility check process as “Road Inspect Operation”. This research is aim to the interface and system type of the road inspect device and conclude a suitable solution for the system. This research start from finding and analyzing the defect of current inspect process, looking for the solution and have some experiment to prove effect of new process. The conclusions of early stage as below. (1) User cannot read the information rapidly from the screen of PDA(Personal digital assistant) because the screen is not big enough. (2) The over crowded items on the screen makes user hard to choose the correct item. (3) The arrangement of data also play an important role in the process. The arranged data can improve the process efficiency. In the final stage of research, we use tablet pc and new planned system. After the experiment and have conclusion below: (1) Inspection mode should adjust by different situation. (2) Because of the due time of the inspect process and so many tool used in the process, the weight of the device is concerned. Since the interface can be zoomed in the device nowadays, the screen size may not the first priority when we choose the device. (3) The smoothness and rationality of interaction to the system are more important than the gorgeous interface. The smoothness of the interface is the key of the system usability.


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