  • 學位論文


Physiological Functions of Yogurt

指導教授 : 許垤棋


優酪乳是乳桿菌使牛奶發醇後的產物,而乳桿菌是乳酸菌中的一種。乳酸菌是「益生菌」中最重要的一群,益生菌指的就是其細胞或細胞成分對宿主的健康有益,並能維護宿主健康狀態的微生物,其作用機轉是藉由刺激乳酸導致腸內酸鹼值下降,產生有助於更多有益微生物生長的營養物質,以提昇宿主對病原體的反應。 乳酸菌與人類生活息息相關,在食品工業、醫藥、環保上,乳酸菌是被廣泛利用的微生物之一,如各種乳酸菌飲料、產生香味、去除異味及生物轉換等都會利用乳酸菌。因為人類食用發酵製品以歷史悠久,故乳酸菌被認為是安全且有益的腸內菌,加上發酵乳製品工業發達,大量培養乳酸菌之技術成熟,使得乳酸菌為益生菌的主要來源。乳酸菌的應用研究於改善人體健康之範疇,更是突飛猛進且多元化,其健康訴求有抑制致病菌、改善乳糖的吸收、活化免疫系統、減少細菌酵素、抑制腫瘤、調節血壓、減緩過敏反應、降低膽固醇與抗腫瘤,極具功效,對於許多文明病的預防與醫療輔助均有顯著的效果。


優酪乳 生理功能 益生菌 乳酸菌


Yogurt is a product of milk fermented with Lactobacillus sp, an important member of lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria belong to "probiotics" group. Probiotics refers to cells or cellular components beneficial to the health of the host, and to maintain the microbial host health status, its mechanism of action including production of lactic acid to decrease intestinal pH value, leading to the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms and thus to enhance the host response against pathogens. Lactic acid bacteria promote human lives, in the food industry, medicine, environmental protection. Lactic acid bacteria are microorganisms of the extensive use such as to produce fermented beverages, resulting in flavor, removement of off-odor and bio-conversion of important nutrients. Because human consumption of fermented products to a long history, so the lactic acid bacteria are considered to be the main source of safe and beneficiary of intestinal bacteria, coupled with fermented dairy industry development, large number of technology associated with cultured lactic acid bacteria is mature, making the lactic acid bacteria as the worldwide available probiotics. Lactic acid bacteria related researches on improving the areas of human health progress rapidly including to diversify their health aspirations to inhibit bacteria, to improve lactose absorption, to activate the immune system, to reduce the bacterial enzyme, to inhibit tumor, to regulate of blood pressure, to slow down allergic reactions and to reduce thecholesterol leve in blood. There is a great efficacy for the prevention of many diseases of civilization and a great significance on Auxiliary Medical Service.


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