  • 學位論文


Research the Knowledge Management based on the Semantic Calendar – A Case Study of Health Examination(Organization)

指導教授 : 葉慶隆


隨著經濟的快速發展,知識成為企業組織的競爭資產。而現代人意識到飲食及健康的重要,帶動健康檢查產業快速興起。其產業競爭激烈、分工細膩、知識密集,人員經驗的傳承及知識的分享相形重要;礙於法令規範對於資訊的保全,其專業知識及經驗無法藉由現有系統充分保留及有效分享。 而知識概念抽象,較難以定義據專業技術的領域知識,造成知識管理上的困難。語意(Semantic)的技術近年來日益精進,以電腦能夠理解的語言來描述資料資源,使電腦能夠自動處理這些資源,提供更可靠、更精確的實用性。 本研究將藉由CommonKADS的知識工程與管理方法論,並針對健康檢查組織的領域專業技術來做知識分析、發展與儲存,發掘組織的內隱知識成為外顯知識,並以心智圖(MindMap)工具將相關知識圖形化,分析組織工作流程、擷取專家知識及經驗,以建立專業知識的領域本體論(Domain Ontology),再以領域知識專家所建立的本體庫(Ontology Base),使用Protege工具建置知識管理雛型,並透過行事曆(Calendar)來作為溝通及分享的平台。 在研究實作上,以現有行事曆(Google Calendar)功能為基礎,加入語意的技術,使得技術資源能夠以電腦懂得的方式來描述,以提供更多的應用及提高知識搜尋的精確度,讓組織的知識管理成本大幅降低及提高對知識管理的認同度。


As the rapid development of the economy, knowledge has become the competitive asset of an enterprise. In addition, modern people have recognized the importance of the diet and health, which has made a speedy advancement of the health examination industry. However, there are drastic competition, elaborate division of labor, and intensive knowledge in this industry. So the heritance of faculty’s experience and sharing of knowledge are more and more important. Because of the regulations on information security, the professional knowledge and experience cannot be fully shared and preserved in existing system. Knowledge is an abstract concept, which is hard to define the domain of professional technology. And it makes the management of knowledge more difficult. Fortunately, Semantic technology is increasingly refined in the present time. We can describe the resources of data via the languages which can be understood by the computer. Hence the computer can automatically deal with these resources reliably and exactly. This research will make use of CommonKADS knowledge engineering and management methodology, focused on the professional technology of the health examination organization, to perform the analysis, development and storage of knowledge. We explore the implicit organizational knowledge explicitly and use the tool of MindMap to make the relevant knowledge graphically, which can analyze the work-up of an organization and retrieve the experience of experts to establish “Domain Ontology” of professional knowledge. In addition, we use the “Ontology Base” established by domain knowledge experts, and use the protege tool, to build up the prototype of knowledge management and make a platform of communication and sharing via Google Calendar. In this study, we use the existing function of Google Calendar, adding semantic technology, to make technology resources be understood by the computer. This can provide more application and improve the accuracy of knowledge search. Finally, it can lower the cost of organizational knowledge management greatly and improve the recognition of knowledge management.


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