  • 學位論文

柯普蘭《阿帕拉契之春組曲 / 十三件樂器版本》之研究

A Study of Aaron Copland's “Appalachian Spring Suite ” (Version for 13 Instruments)

指導教授 : 涂惠民


柯普蘭(Aaron Copland, 1900-1990)是美國現代音樂史上重要的作曲家之一。當他開始創作音樂時,一般美國作曲家們正抓住偉大的德奧系統不放,美國音樂的特點還很薄弱。然而,此時柯普蘭卻已在心中思考:如何能創作出具有美國特色的音樂。 1943年他與名舞蹈家瑪莎.葛蘭姆(Martha Graham, 1894-1991)合作,寫下了一齣單幕芭蕾音樂《阿帕拉契之春(Appalachian Spring)》。雖然音樂形式簡單、旋律表達自然,卻能同時顧及音樂內涵的豐富性,因而大受美國大眾歡迎。自此之後,柯普蘭幾乎已經成為美國音樂的代名詞。 《阿帕拉契之春組曲 / 十三件樂器版本(Appalachian Spring Suite / Version for 13 Instruments )》是柯普蘭從原來的芭蕾舞劇音樂中,選出較具音樂性的八個段落改編而成,段落間各具音樂特色,節奏以及和聲上變化多端,充分展現出二十世紀現代創作手法。 此篇詮釋報告,筆者希望藉由文獻的整理及探討,延伸至作品的樂曲分析,以便對於這首美國音樂的代表性作品,能有組織架構上的完整了解。 其次,藉由指揮技巧的分析,以及樂團排練的原則,將此樂曲做主體性的質性探討,期使進一步實際指揮演奏此曲時,能運用研究的心得,尋找令人感動的演奏現象。


Copland (Aaron Copland, 1900-1990) is an important modern American composer in music history. When he began writing music in general is to seize the great American composers of the German and Austrian systems hold the characteristics of American music is still very weak. However, when Aaron Copland already thought in mind: how to create music with American characteristics. In 1943 he and renowned dancer Martha Graham ( 1894-1991) co-wrote the one single act ballet music, "Appalachian Spring ". While the music is simple in form, expression of the natural melody, but it can also take into account the richness of musical content, and thus greatly welcome the American public. Since then, Aaron Copland has almost become synonymous with American music. " Appalachian Spring Suite / Version for 13 Instruments " is Copland's ballet music from the original, the election of more musical adapted from the eight sections, paragraphs, With music from various characteristics of rhythm and harmony on the varied, full of the twentieth century, modern creative approach. First, I want to explore through literature and music analysis, to a complete understanding of an organized structure. Secondly, I hope that by conduct of skills analysis, and the principle of orchestra rehearsal, further practical command of this work playing, can experience the use of research, looking impressive playing phenomenon.


Copland Appalachian Spring Suite


王美珠等(譯)(2005)。音樂認識與欣賞(原著者:Roger Kamien)。臺北市:麥格羅希爾。
呂淑玲、蘇索才(譯)(2002)。指揮手冊(原著者:Leonard Atherton)。臺北市:揚志文化。
