  • 學位論文

高職學校實用技能學程美容科學生 專業能力指標之研究─以南部地區為例

The Research of Students’ Professional Competent Goals of Cosmetics Division in Vocational School of the Practical Skill Program ─ the Cases in Southern Area

指導教授 : 鄭如伶


教育部為提升學生就業競爭力,強調辦理實用技能學程之學校,應規劃以就業為導向之課程,特別強調學習需結合職場實務,提升學生學習信心。但因高職實用技能學程課程設計,少見產官學者人士參與,導致課程內容與就業市場顯有脫節,造成產界之供需面有所落差。基於此,本研究乃針對高職實用技能學程美容科學生於畢業前應具備哪些之專業能力指標。故本文根據專家個別深度訪談、爾後以修正式德菲法以及問卷調查法。研究對象以美容相關產業具有實務經驗者、高職美容科教師以及高職實用技能學程美容科應屆畢業生為主。研究之問卷發放分為二部份業界、學界及學生。業界31份、學界30份,有效問卷61份。另外,美容科應屆畢業生共發出387份問卷,回收371份問卷,有效問卷352份。以SPSS,17版分析,問卷結果採描述性統計、敘述性統計及獨立樣本t 檢定。係檢定業界、學界及高職實用技能學程美容科應屆畢業生對專業能力指標中,「技術能力」、「知識能力」及「工作態度」三個構面,重視程度之看法是否有差異。研究結果如下所示: 一、經由修正式德菲法專家訪談研究結果顯示,對於高職學校實用技能學程美容科之專業能力指標,可分為「美容」、「美髮」兩大領域;並包含「技術能力」、「知識能力」、「工作態度」三個構面。美容領域三個構面分7小類共54項專業能力指標;美髮領域三個構面分5小類共47項專業能力指標。 二、業界與學界對實用技能學程美容科專業能力指標之看法,業界在美容及美髮領域中認為,「工作態度」與「技術能力」為最重要,其次是「知識能力」。另外,學界則以「工作態度」、「知識能力」為第一、二順位,其次是「技術能力」。 三、實用技能學程美容科應屆畢業生對專業能力指標之看法,在美容與美髮領域,無打工經驗學生對專業能力指標的認同度偏低。但有打工經驗的學生,對專業能力中「工作態度」、「技術能力」與「知識能力」等三個構面認同度較高,兩者之間有顯著差異。 四、業界與學生對專業能力之看法上有顯著差異。尤其在「技術能力」與「工作態度」構面上,學生認同程度低於業界重視之程度。惟「知識能力」學生認同程度高於業界重視之程度。 整體而言,若能以實務需求為導向並調整實用技能學程美容科課程設計,本研究乃建議學校應加強職場教育與實作之相關課程。以提高學生專業能力的認知,增加學生的就業競爭力。


To enhance students' employability and competitiveness, the Ministry of Education (MOE) asks schools that conduct practical-skill courses to design employment-oriented courses, not only to emphasize the link between learning and workplace practices, but also enhance students’ learning confidence. However, low participation of the industrial, governmental, and academic people in the senior high vocational school practical-skill-course design leads to a significant discrepancy between the course contents and the employment requirements. This research accordingly discusses the necessary practical-skills for senior high vocational school students of cosmetology. The study adopts the individual depth interviews with experts through the analysis by Modified Delphi Method and the questionnaire method. The study adopts the Modified Delphi Method to examine the practical-skill courses of senior high vocational school. The indicators of professional competence of cosmetology can be roughly divided into “skin care” and “hair dressing” domains. And each of two domains is composed of three dimensions: “technical capacity,” “intellectual capacity,” and “working attitude.” Under these dimensions are 7 categories including 54 items in “skin care” domain, and 5 categories including 47 items form “hair dressing.” The questionnaire sampled from people with industrial practical cosmetology-related experiences (31 samples), full-time teachers of vocational cosmetology (30 samples), and the senior students of vocational cosmetology (371 effective samples from 387). The descriptive statistics and independent-samples t test, which conducted by SPSS ver.17, are used to examine whether the significant difference exists between the values of “technical capacity,” “intellectual capacity,” and “working attitude” from the three sampling group. The result shows: 1. The industry (sampling from people with industrial practical cosmetology-related experiences) and the academia (sampling from full-time teachers of vocational cosmetology) have different viewpoints towards indicators of professional competence of cosmetology. The industry emphasizes “working attitude” and “technical capacity” first, and “intellectual capacity” is secondary in the “skin care” and “hair dressing” domains. Nevertheless, the importance sequence for the academia is “working attitude,” “intellectual capacity,” and then “technical capacity.” 2. The viewpoints of senior students of vocational cosmetology with and without part-time working experience show significant difference in the field of skin care and hair dressing. The students without part-time working experience have lower recognition degrees on indicators of professional competence of cosmetology. However students with the part-time job experience show higher recognition degrees on “technical capacity,” “intellectual capacity,” and “working attitude.” 3. The opinions to professional competence indicators form industry and students also show significant difference. Both students’ recognition degrees on “technical capacity” and “working attitude” are lower than the industry. Nevertheless the students’ recognition degrees on “intellectual capacity” are higher than the samples from industry. Therefore, to adjust school courses to meet the practical requirements, this study suggests schools to reinforce workplace education and practical courses to enhance students’ professional competence for improving their employment competitiveness.




