  • 學位論文


The Performance Practice of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 32 in C Minor, Op. 111

指導教授 : 邵婷雯


十八世紀啟蒙運動的來臨,路德維希‧范‧貝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827)以音樂藝術響應文化宗旨,力求突破創新,專心致志地創作出三十二首鋼琴奏鳴曲,見證世代文化變遷。貝多芬晚年絕俗離世、以心為耳,創作出凡入勝、匠心獨具,從而展現音樂始於人性的高層次精神,同時也開啟音樂史上劃新時代。 本文究旨為八位鋼琴演奏名家所演貝多芬《第三十二首C小調奏鳴曲,作品111》 (Piano Sonata No.32 in C Minor, Op. 111) 之速度及力度的詮釋。並歸納以上演奏家的音樂觀,再佐以個人對演奏的局部剖析。八位鋼琴名家分別為:阿圖爾‧許奈貝爾 (Artur Schnabel, 1882-1951)、威廉‧巴克豪斯 (Wilhelm Backhaus, 1884-1969)、威廉‧肯普夫 (Wilhelm Kempff, 1895-1991)、克勞迪歐‧阿勞 (Claudio Arrau León, 1903-1991)、阿佛列德‧布蘭德爾 (Alfred Brendel, 1931-)、莫里奇奧‧波里尼 (Maurizio Pollini, 1942-)、丹尼爾‧巴倫波因 (Daniel Barenboim, 1942-)及安德拉斯‧席夫 (Andras Schiff, 1953-),共八位。以上八位鋼琴演奏名家皆灌錄貝多芬奏鳴曲全集錄音,請卓參「演奏家生涯簡述」(附錄1)、「八位演奏家之速度詮釋表」(附錄2)及「八位演奏家之力度詮釋表」(附錄3)。


Through analysis of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 32 in C Minor, Op. 111, this interpretation report features individual performing concepts of eight great pianists who have recorded the complete 32 Beethoven Sonatas. The performing artists are Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), the first authoritative pianist who completed the recording of Beethoven Sonatas; Wilhelm Backhaus (1884-1969), who recorded the Beethoven Sonatas twice in his life; Wilhelm Kempff (1895-1991), who made three recordings of the complete Beethoven Sonatas, as well as a philosophical artist Claudio Arrau León (1903-1991). In addition to maestros in the past, the author also researched four pianists who are still alive today, such as Alfred Brendel (1931-), Maurizio Pollini (1942-), Daniel Barenboim (1942-), Andras Schiff (1953-). Finally, the author’s personal interpretative insights are presented before the conclusion.


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