  • 學位論文


Effects of the of Electronic Word of Mouth Dissemination Online on Decision of Purchasing Cosmetics

指導教授 : 陳慧凉


隨著社會變遷,網路使用人口快速增加,人們跨越地理、時間等限制,進行溝通、資訊分享、意見交換等互動式活動,彼此分享使用資訊,產生新的口碑傳播,使網路口碑效應逐漸顯現。透過購物網站討論區、電子郵件、論壇、部落客、聊天室...等傳播管道,使網路口碑得以輕易地傳播,影響力亦持續擴大。對於消費者來說,網路化妝品商店販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,會相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果,並且從國內最大的口碑社群網站「Fashion Guide」與「UrCome」即可窺知網路上使用者的心得。 以上可知,網路口碑對於消費者的購買決策具有相當的影響力。然而國內外針對網路口碑的研究多半偏重在消費者的行為方面,從訊息信任做為中介影響力的相關研究非常少數。本研究試圖探討網路化妝品商店的口碑透過訊息信任影響消費者購買動機與作法,提供實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,並透過國內三大美妝網站使用者採取網路問卷發放的方式收集樣本資料與整理,於2014年4月10日至2014年5月31日進行問卷發放,共回收300份問卷,有效問卷共291份。本研究以敘述性統計、信效度分析、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析進行研究證實,獲得以下主要結論:一、網路口碑因素對購買決策有顯著影響。二、 訊息信任對消費者購買決策有顯著影響。三、 網路口碑因素對消費者購買決策之影響中,訊息信任是具有中介效果。四、 人口統計變項對網路口碑、訊息信任、與購買決策皆有顯著差異。並建議業者深入瞭解消費者對於商品的期望與重視的內在口碑因素,妥善運用並有效整合不同口碑因素,以達到最好口碑效益,可做為業者進行產品行銷計劃之參考。


As telecommunication quick improves as a result of technological advancements, the internet population are able to communicate efficiently with total disregard of geological and time barriers. As a result of this phenomenon, the effectiveness of the “word-of-mouth” marketing strategy quickly emerges. Marketing nowadays can be achieved through forums, emails, blogs, and chat rooms. For products that requires first hand experience, customers often rely on internet reviews and recommendations to make their decisions. The most notable social websites for this are “Fashion Guide” and “UrCome”. As mentioned above, the “word-of-mouth” marketing strategy can extremely influential to customers’ decision. However, customers are generally more reliant on customer reviews. Methods regarding information on persuasion are generally less effective. This research aims to optimize ways to achieve marketing goals through methods regarding information on persuasion. This research obtains data from the three biggest make-up websites through surveys. Surveys are distributed between April 10th,2014 to May 31st, 2014, with the sample size of 300.291 surveys are valid at the end distribution. This research utilizes descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, one-way anova, and SPSS to obtain the following results: 1.The “word-of-mouth” marketing strategy has clear impact on customer decisions. 2.Methods regarding information on persuasion have clear impact on customer decisions. 3.Information on persuasion have mediation effects on the “word of mouse” marketing strategy. 4.Demographic changes can be affected through word-of-mouth, information on persuasion, and purchasing decision. I suggest to businesses to understand customers’ goals, as well as their reliance on reviews.


行政院衛生署化妝品衛生管理條例( 2014 )。2016年3月8日,取
