  • 學位論文

傳統技藝編構在空間的創新運用與設計操作- 以國立台灣工藝研究發展中心工藝設計館再造為例

Craft Design Pavilion of National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute

指導教授 : 江金榮


摘要 台灣傳統技藝和技術,如能在空間的運用賦予當代的生活上,以及機能更多的更能性,不僅可以使空間再造的課題更加活化,也可使當地的素材達到物盡其用,節能減碳的功能。自古以來,也是一種運用於生活的器物,以及用於空間構築的地域元素,一種文化的徵象,所以要讓稻草「活動」,利用整理草鞋編織與繪製,讓我們勾起歷史人文的鄉土情感,台灣先民打拼勤勞之足跡、利用厚生的智慧、手腳靈巧的技藝、都將遠遠流傳。 本創作的研究是透過分析地景、生態、文化,並且運用中部地區傳統編構的融合運用,實質了解材料特性、韌度、延展性,本研究的基地位於南投縣草屯鎮的國立台灣研究發展中心工藝設計館再造為例,這棟邁向四十年的建築看到的是所謂二十世紀的建築:「混擬土的時代」。混擬土、鐵、玻璃這些無機素材,影響場所給人的溫度,分析構法與結合成一個新的空間秩序與新的場域,透過不同階段的操作手法達到設計創作目的。其內容為尋找記憶的空間,生命中的記憶片段。 至於空間機能強調在地建材運用空間,透過分析地景、生態、文化童玩與童趣進入空間,另外場所只在於片段式的記憶,運用場所融入、人、時間,並且轉換空間和時間的精神,加上帶入衝突的機能打破既定的觀念,讓室內設計能保留原有建物的舊記憶和新編構的記憶片段形成一種對話。並且提升現有場所的機能性、合理性、未來性,達到場所與社區關係幸福連結再一起,便會產生出符合當地的自然空間。 關鍵詞: 記憶、場所、編構、再造、轉換、構法


Abstract The creative base is located at National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute and its surrounding area. It is located in Caotun Township where the straw sandals mound was originated. According to Caotun Township Records, Caotun was a staging post for pioneers, porters, merchants and travelers, and they arrived at it at sunset, and in early morning they started off and replaced their old straw sandals with new ones. Days after days, the abandoned straw sandals stacked up into a mound”. Thus, it is called Caotun which means straw in Chinese. Now new meanings are given to straw. In the past, we often considered straw as a static object, but it was used as a life tool in ancient times. Now, it is an element of the place, which can be used to build a space and symbolizes culture. Thus, we should activate straw. We should not see straw as a straw. We should think how to activate the village through straw. This is to pursue genius of regional space. The creation work integrates the base with National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute into new spatial order and new place through analysis of landscape, ecology, culture, and application of weaved structure in the traditional construction of central regions so as realize creation objective by using creation approaches at different stages. The creation work is intended to find the memory space and memory fragments in life. The space can be used for leisure, exhibition, sales and service. The hydroponic technology is used for mutualistic symbiosis between fish and water, and rice is grown indoors, and weaved straws structure is integrated into life design. All these are started from our familiar scenes. The place is only memory fragments, which should be integrated into human and time and reshape space and time spirits to break established concept. The interior design is to retain previous building memory and combine it with the new memory fragments to make a dialogue between them and make space life sustainable. Keywords: Memory, place, weaving, reproduction, transformation, order


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(2) 施植明、黃光旭、郭育廷,(2009) ,簡建築的構築複合性。設計學報,14(2),37-50。
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