  • 學位論文

現象類型學理論操作─ 中興新村省政園區之駐地藝術家工場設計

A Study of Phenomenological Typology Theory for Artist-in-Residence Workshop Design in Administration District of Taiwan Provincial Government of Chung-Hsin New village

指導教授 : 陳信安


南投中興新村省政府行政辦公特區,因政治權力中心轉移凍省後,業務精簡大量裁減公務員,造成人口外移,地區沒落發展停滯。頹廢環境引發本設計動機,探討如何透過建築力量再生場所,再造公有閒置空間,企圖以藝術家改變地域性格活化地區為目標,重新形塑地方新精神。 本設計在環境思考引用現象學本質精神,建構概念性「現象類型學」理論架構進行設計操作,以「本質式」思考地域並還原場所再透過媒介轉化,讓中興新村省政府園區的政治本質在藝術駐地導引下被延續下去。 因此,本設計操作重點有兩個部份,一則讓基地與歷史性建築空間再造之討論,以場域中歷史價值之「辦公廳建築原型」操作空間轉化,保留基地部份歷史園區—省政府行政辦公廳建築群,對以尊重態度,透過新建築植入與環境呼應之可能性方案配置,以重新建構地域新意象;二則為藝術家藝術駐地精神與當地文化交流與對話,不同於傳統藝術家創作工作室空間機能著重創作空間;藝術家駐地創作工作室空間機能增加為包含居住、創作、交流、展示空間,也正因此功能造就機會影響環境與當地文化產生交流回饋地方。 最後設計結論,提出「藝術駐地精神」延續中興新村省政府行政園區之地域意義,操作活化公有閒置建築再利用的可能,讓具有行政特區權力象徵與花園城市之基地地位,再增發展創作藝術特區之功能。同時也開拓台灣跨領域藝術群聚新交流創作基地;在藝術家創作生活層面,亦建構出駐地創作工作室之空間原型。 關鍵字:中興新村省政府行政特區、現象類型學、閒置空間再利用、藝術駐地、藝術家創作空間原型


The Zhongxing New Village of Nantou County, where the Provincial Government of Taiwan used to located, declines in recent years. It is due to the political decision that the Provincial Government is nationalized. In consequence, the exodus of layoff administration staffs and the recession of local development are inevitable. Solutions for reuse of discarded spaces become urgent and necessary. This scheme aims to explore the idea of artist-in-residence program as a solution, in order to re-characterize and rebuild the local community. ‘Typological Phenomenology’ is the key theory to this scheme. It is the guidance to observing the current environment, collecting and analyzing the data, and constructing the design concept. This ‘intrinsic’ way of thinking runs through the whole design process and repurposes the selected site. Therefore, the historical quality and political reference of the site can be preserved into the new program. There are two critical parts in this design exploration. The first is the coexistence of historical and new additional architectures. The existing structures of administration offices offer invaluable commemorative traces that need to be treated delicately and respectively. By strategically inserting new buildings, new identity and its functions can both complement the former surroundings. The second is the new opportunities that the artist-in-residence program can bring into the community. The dialogue between the artists and the local culture, multi-purposed spaces instead of traditional art studios, increasing residencies, exhibition spaces and events, employment opportunity, tourism, economic gain and social interaction are just a few examples of the direct or indirect benefits. By introducing this program, it revives and repurposes the Zhongxing New Village. It adds a new characteristic to this district that already has political heritage and urban greenbelt. The immigrant artists can also benefit from the existing community to influence their creations. A cross-disciplinary platform can be created to allow different ideas and methods being communicated and interacted. With these unique factors, a new prototype of art village might just be born. Key word:Administration District of Taiwan Provincial Government of Chung-Hsin New Village, Phenomenological Typology Theory, Art-In-Residence, Reusing, Artist House Prototype


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