  • 學位論文

生活環境再設計 - 安平國家歷史風貌園區之安平遊憩碼頭為例

Living Environment Rebuilt - An-ping Recreation Pier of An-ping Harbor Historic Park

指導教授 : 李智遠


都市發展從以前的歷史演變至今,經過了幾個不同的變遷:從早期的採集和遊牧形成部落,演變到以農業為主的村莊,工業革命之後,鄉鎮人口紛紛往都市集中,形成大都會。然而公共建設在新興市鎮中所扮演的交色也越來越重要,因為當居住的問題被滿足後,公眾的需求頓時間變成社區、城鎮、都市裡的一個顯要的議題。舉凡交通、環保、衛生、文教、運動、公園綠地到觀光遊憩,每一個公共建設都與居民息息相關,關係到公眾的利益。 每一項公共建設在規劃之初都必須經過評估、審議、計畫等程序,相信在經過許多人的深思熟慮後才進入興建的程序,一開始一定是立意良善的,但並非每項公共建設都能成功的達到預期規劃的目標,都能為居民及公眾帶來預期的助益,而近幾年直至今日我們所聽所聞並喧騰一時仍未落幕的「蚊子館」,這個議題在在都呼應著上述的觀點。 然而「蚊子館」已經是一個現實,我們可以甚麼都不做、漠視這我們造就的公共浪費,或者在軟體上或硬體上做部分調整,重新檢討並找出不敷使用的原因,探究當地居民的需求,並納入基地本身的場所精神,以此植入不同的機能性,一種無需再耗費大量的人力、物力、經費的建設方式。誠如傅朝卿 教授所說的:「建築再利用使得我們可以捕捉建築過去之價值,利用之,並將之轉化成將來之新活力。」 舉凡國內外已有許多成功的案例,許多閒置空間都被利用來作為藝術創作的表演場所,但是閒置空間的再利用應該能有更多面向且具創意的使用,而非侷限在藝術的使用,因此,「活化」閒置空間,使其在都市發展過程中,成為都市再發展的的契機,將是一個值得省思的課題。本研究以安平國家歷史風貌園區之安平遊憩碼頭再規畫為例,試創造出閒置空間再利用之差異性。


The history of urban development has hitherto undergone several stages of transformation: from early foraging and nomadic tribes to villages based mainly on agriculture; and after the Industrial Revolution, waves of rural-urban migration set in, resulting in the formation of large metropolises. However, the role of public works plays in these new towns has become increasingly important, since after the housing problem has been solved, the needs of the public instantly become a prominent issue in communities, towns, and cities. Issues of public works, ranging from transportation, environmental protection, sanitation, culture and education, activity, parks and greenery, to tourism and recreation, are each closely bound up with local residents, involving the interests of the public. All public works projects must at the initial planning stage go through such procedures as evaluation, deliberation, and planning. All these projects, it must be believed, are well-intentioned at the beginning in view of the fact that their construction only commences after careful deliberation by so many people; yet not all public works projects can successfully achieve their planned objectives, and bring the expected benefits to residents and the general public. The yet unresolved issue of “mosquito halls” that we have heard of and seen and that once hit the headlines in the past few years unmistakably echoes this view. That being said, these “mosquito halls” are already a hard reality; we can choose not to do anything and ignore this waste of public resources we have made; or we can make partial adjustments either in their software or hardware, review and delve into the reasons for their underuse, look into the needs of local residents, and embody the genius loci of the places themselves so as to implant in them different functionalities, a construction method that does not require massive human, natural, and financial resources. As Professor Fu Chao-ching has said: “Architectural re-use allows us to capture the past value of architecture, utilize it, and convert it into a new vitality of the future.” For all the many successful cases both within and without Taiwan, many idle spaces have been used as venues for artistic creation. However, the re-use of idle spaces ought to be more multi-faceted and put to creative uses, rather than limited solely to artistic ones. Thus, by “revitalizing” these idle spaces, they become, in the process of urban development, a turning point in urban redevelopment, which will be an issue deserving further reflection. This study takes as its case study the re-planning of the An-ping Recreation Pier of the An-ping Harbor National Historical Park, and attempts to create the differences in the re-use of idle space.


11. 邱銘珠,2003,"以使用者感官經驗為導向的舊建築再利用之研究",中原大學室內設計學系碩士學位論文,桃園。
12. 陳阿善,2014 "現象類型學理論操作 - 中興新村省政園區之駐地藝術家工場設計",朝陽科技大學建築系建築及都市設計碩士論文,台中。
