  • 學位論文


The Journey into Fantasy:A Derivative Creation on Paralysis Image

指導教授 : 張栢烟教授


本創作論述從個人生活的體驗與感動為出發點,窺探事物於表象下之另一面,探究於自我內在精神的狀態,並將其轉化成為符號。期許能以實際的創作實踐,營造個人內心的異想場域,開拓獨特的繪畫語彙。藉由女性獨特手法與媒材進行詮釋,選用花、肢體、圓泡貼近自身的物件。透過「循環性」之形式與帶有「私密性」現成物結合運用,將幻象呈現於畫布,跳脫了意識狀態,進入「無意識」奇幻空間,藉系列作品發展出自我生命的真實歷程。以下將創作論述架構的內容作一簡述: 第一章 無限想像與實踐之歷程,回溯個人創作歷程,大學時期至研究所階段,分為四節說明。 第二章 釋放內心世界的新知覺,包含了創作動機、議題的發想,藉由初步揣摹,擬出創作的方式、限制與目的。 第三章 主觀物象衍生詩意空間,深刻的分析創作技法與媒材運用。此章節將主觀既定之物象,轉化成具個人思維的詩意空間,呈現新的詮釋。 第四章 窺探多角性的視象框限,探索東西方藝術家創作模式,於其中找尋雛型與框限,經相互驗證後發現其中的美妙,開創獨特的自我語彙。 第五章 哲理的思維核心與動脈,針對西方哲學家的理論,在其學理中進行對應分析,藉由學理佐證自我創作的理念,其有助於自身創作實踐的統整。 第六章 植入與詮釋架構的框限,針對個人實際的創作形式、媒材、互動邏輯,以圖文方式建構出一套架構,驗證真實自我的創作態度。 第七章 詮譯新樂園再製新藍圖,主要實踐個人創作成果以及作品詮釋,主要作品共分為五大系列。 第八章 結論-休止符,現階段創作的呈現,及未來創作方向的省思。經由這段時間在創作探究上,獲得了許多寶貴經驗與省悟。


無意識 痲痺性 陰性書寫


This artwork of mine is based on my personal life experiences and inspirations.It provides a peek at the hidden side underneath the superficiality, discovers my psyche, and transforms it into symbols. By carrying out a substantial creation, I wish to form my imaginary realm and build up my unique artistic vocabulary. Looking from a female's point of view and utilizing the media with a feminine touch, I choose flowers, body images, and bubbles which are the objects that may reconstruct the images in my heart to work around. The images first take shape in my mind, and are then drawn through recurring points, lines, and surfaces, and incorporated with things at hand that are of private nature, before being gradually presented on the canvas, thereby springing out of the consciousness and into the magical space of unconsciousness. My vivid personal journey on the road of life is thus paved out via this series of artwork. A summary of the creation discourse is as below: Chapter 1 describes the journey from infinite imagination to realization. My personal journey of artwork creation from college to graduate school is elaborated in four sections. Chapter 2 releases my internal consciousness with regard to my creations, including the motive and theme inspiration. The way of creation, limits and goals are determined after the preliminary conjecture. Chapter 3 depicts the transformation from subjective images into poetic spaces with a new interpretation by providing an in-depth analysis of the creative techniques and media utilization. Chapter 4 provides a peek at the frame limits of the visible image from many aspects and looks for the embryonic form and frame limits by exploring the ways of creation of artists from the East and the West. Wonders have been found after mutual confirmation, and my unique artistic vocabulary has been built up. Chapter 5 discusses the core and context of philosophy. Through the correspondence analysis of the theory of Western philosophers, my own creation concept is supported, which is good for integration of my personal creation in realization. Chapter 6 implements and interprets the limit of framework. A framework is constructed by images and texts according to my creation style, the media utilized and interactive logic. This confirms my real attitude toward creation. Chapter 7 illustrates a new paradise that has significant images and remakes the blueprint. This chapter mainly focuses on my personal creation achievements and the interpretation of artworks. The main artworks are classified into five series. Chapter 8 is the conclusion. It presents the current artwork and provides reflection on creation direction for the future. A lot of valuable experiences and realization were obtained during the period of creation.


Unconsciousness Paralysis Female Writing


1. 中?比紗也(1991)。偷偷愛著你〈黃瑾瑜譯〉第9集,第52話,台北:大然文化事業股份有限公司。
2. 西洋哲學編譯小組 (1982)。西洋美學資料選輯。新竹:仰哲出版社。
3. 李醒塵 (2000)。西洋美學史教程。台北:淑馨出版社。
