  • 學位論文


The Motivation Effects of Stock Price

指導教授 : 張麗娟 熊正一


員工是企業維持競爭優勢及提昇競爭力的關鍵,如何設計一套良好的人力資源管理制度,以吸引並留住優秀的人才為企業效力,降低離職意願,實為現今人力資源管理的一大課題。台灣大部分的公司會採用員工分紅作為激勵員工的一種方法,而這種分紅方式在電子產業中最為普遍,「員工分紅」獎酬制度發揮關鍵性的效果,而創造了高科技產業的奇蹟。 大多的研究及討論多集中在員工分紅入股制度,事實上,員工紅利配股的價值與股價間存在正向關係,因此,本研究主要探討「股價波動認知」、「股價認同」、「相關制度」、「地位及認同」對員工參與滿意度及留任意願的影響。為驗證上述之目的,本研究乃以科技產業及替代能源產業之員工為樣本,共計發出2000份問卷,回收1134份有效問卷,有效回收率為56.7%,並透過STATISITICA 6.0以相關係數、T-檢定及單因子變異數等統計方法分別對各項假設進行驗證。 調查結果顯示,公司股價波動的認知及滿意度會對員工激勵效果產生效果,藉由股價穩健成長可以吸引人才,促使員工為公司努力創造競爭力,激勵制度、地位及認同感與留任穩定度有正向影響,良好激勵制度及提高員工對公司的地位及認同感可降低員工的離職意願。


股價 激勵 留任意願 激勵理論


Human resource is the key successful factor to maintain competitive advantage and enhances competitiveness. Therefore, businesses make various kinds of incentives to attract the best persons. The main purpose is to design the best strategies of the human resource management to attract employees staying longer and to enhance employees’ productivity. Most of the Taiwanese firms adopt employee stock bonus as incentive scheme, especially in the hi-tech industry which has already been the miracle of Taiwan. Most relevant researches’ and discussion are focused on employee profit sharing. However, the value of employees’ bonus is highly reacted with the stock price. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relations and effect of employee’s satisfaction and their intention with perception and identity of stock price volatility. The research collects the semi-conductor industry companies and alternative energy companies’ employee as samples. 2000 questionnaires were sent and successfully collected 1134. The returns-ratio is 56.7%. The data is analyzed by the STATISTIC 6.0 with correlation analysis, T-test, and one-way ANOVA analysis. The result shows that the perception and satisfactions of the stock price volatility have remarkably positive correlation on workers’ morale. We suggest companies promote the value of their stock to attract the talents and to keep employees continuously serving the company.


3.唐麗英、王春和,2005,「STATISTICA 6.0版與基礎統計分析」,儒林圖書有限公司。
