  • 學位論文


The Study on the Effect of Giveaway to Consumers with the Minimum Purchase Requirement Promoted by Convenient Store

指導教授 : 熊正一


在促銷工具中,『贈品』是指廠商以免費或極低的相對成本讓消費者取得某些其他商品,以期望消費者購買產品的一種促銷方式。便利商店中利用傳統的明星商品促銷手法帶動便利商店其他商品的消費效果原本即有限,相較之下,“消費滿額送贈品”之促銷方式吸引消費者提高消費門檻,消費戰線擴及到店內所有商品,其所提升的是店內商品整體的業績,也達到促銷的目的。 2005年春季,統一超商配合卡通人物Hello Kitty 30週年紀念,將行銷中的「滿額、贈品、折價卷」三元素加以整合,推出購物滿77元即贈送Hello Kitty3D磁?之促銷活動,讓統一超商創下單月營收93億元紀錄,其成功的促銷模式,使得其餘四大超商業者業績受到重創,因而被迫群起效法操作,引發了便利商店的消費滿額贈品全店促銷大戰。便利商店的消費滿額贈品促銷大戰,一路從2005年打到2007年未曾停歇,如今“ 滿額贈品”已成為各家便利商店必備的促銷基本配備,本研究藉由消費者對此一滿額贈品活動的促銷方法(消費滿額、贈品、折價卷、贈品主題相關商品促銷及加價購、抽獎)及消費者行為(認知行為、偏好程度、消費習慣、購買意願及知覺價值)等變項,來探討便利商店滿額贈品之促銷效果。 研究結果發現,便利商店之“消費滿額贈品”促銷方法確實具有促銷效果,但消費者對消費滿額之贈品會因對贈品之各個主題的認知行為不同、偏好程度不同、消費習慣不同、購買意願不同及知覺價值不同而產生不同之促銷效果。


消費滿額 贈品 促銷 促銷效果


“Giveaway” is a commonly used tool of sales promotion. Porducers give away gifts to attract consumers to consume. In spring 2005, the franchised 7-11 used the three marketing elements -“quota filled”, “giveaway”, and “coupon” in conjugation with Hello Kitty 30 years anniversary to start a nation-wide promotion for all over 4,600 stores. The Hello Kitty 3D magnet giveaway would be given to the consumers when they purchased more than seventy-seven dollars. Within a month, it’s sales volume reach to 93 hundred million dollars turnover for 7-11. This success not only damaged another 4 competitors’ promotional sales, but also re-enforce their imitation in operating similar promotional strategies. The promotion generated the competition between these convenience stores, which started from the year of 2005 to the year of 2007, never stop. Nowadays, “The giveaway with minimum purchase requirement” became the rouitine promotion activity in the convenience store industry. The study intents to explore the promoted effect of giveaway with the minimum purchase that convenience store promoted by analyzing many variables such as, promotional strategies and consumer behaviors. Analysis of promotional strategies consists of the minimum purchase, giveaway, coupon, promoted theme subject and prize. Through this study, we found the “giveaway with minimum purchase requirement” largely increased the turnover of those convenience chain stores. However, to consumers, the promoted effect comes from the giveaway of the minimum purchase varies, which depends upon the change of the theme subject, preferences of sales promotions, and consumer’s consumption habit, purchase intension, and value perception.


壹、 書籍
?方世榮譯(1995),行銷管理學,第八版,臺?/東華書局。譯自Philip Kotler(1991)


