  • 學位論文


A study of 2 Adele’s arias from Operetta ‘Die Fledermaus’ by Johann Strauss

指導教授 : 丁晏海


輕歌劇出現於十九世紀,音樂輕鬆活潑,有動人的旋律與節奏,以及迷人的氣氛。約翰‧史特勞斯的輕歌劇《蝙蝠》有非凡的音樂成就,這部作品是維也納輕歌劇的模範。 本文探討《蝙蝠》的女主角阿黛樂,她身份是低賤的女僕,卻也是一位性格鮮活、反應敏捷,頭腦機智的人。她的兩首詠唱調充分運用「美聲唱法」的花腔技巧。 第一首〈我的侯爵大人〉為快三拍圓舞曲,阿黛樂用歌聲嘲笑男主人艾森斯坦,花腔的樂句是阿黛樂嘲笑的主要表現方法,有滑音和斷音、快捷音和華麗的琶音等,尤其反覆第二遍的尾唱,音域比前段更高,樂句更華麗,用花腔炫技的方式,讓音樂生動活潑,戲謔感十足。第二首〈我扮演純真的村姑〉有多種曲風,阿黛樂一人演唱三個角色;演唱村姑時,聲音要柔軟甜蜜,動作俏皮,重點在展現鄉村姑娘的迷人風格;演唱女王時,以進行曲表現莊嚴高尚,歌者需要加上手足的動作,以增添氣勢,此樂段加入許多打擊樂器,磅礡地表現女王的地位;演唱侯爵夫人時,以波爾卡舞曲的彈性速度表現忽快忽慢的情緒變化,歌者須用許多花腔技巧,必須呈現緊湊激動的戲劇氣氛。 總而言之,演唱阿黛樂這個角色,除了必須擁有良好的聲樂能力之外,還要配合肢體動作,因此歌者需要優秀的舞台表演能力,方能勝任這齣困難的歌劇角色。


Operetta made its first appearance in the nineteenth century. With its appealing melodies and rhythms, this musical entertainment is playful and enchanting. Johann Strauss’s exceptional piece of work, Die Fledermaus, is a model of the Viennese operetta. This study aims to discuss the heroine, Adele. Even though she is a humble maid, she has a distinctly nimble mind and a sharp wit. Her two arias fully apply one of the coloratura techniques, “bel canto.” The first aria "Mein Herr Marquis” is the three beats waltz. Adele sings and mocks at her master, Eisenstein. The coloratura musical phrases are Adele’s main technique to show ridicule, including portamento and staccato, agilità and gorgeous arpeggio; the repeated coda in particular reaches a higher vocal range and this musical phrase is more florid. Adele uses coloratura virtuosos to bring up the vivacity of the music and enhance the effects of the ridicule. The second aria “Spiel ich die Unschuld vom Lande” has a variety of musical styles. Adele plays three roles here. As a country girl, she sings with a soft and sweet voice, and acts amusingly to express a country girl's charming rustic style. While singing in the role of Queen, she sings a march to express solemnity and nobility. The singer needs to add hand and foot movements to intensify the imposing manner. This musical period has many percussion elements to manifest the majesty of Queen. When Adele plays the role of Madam Marquis, she sings in a speed-shifting polka to express the changes of moods. The singer has to use a lot of coloratura techniques to present the exciting dramatic atmosphere. All in all, in addition to the excellent vocal capability, the singer who plays the role of Adele needs to manage her body movements, and therefore only with an overall outstanding stage performance competence can the singer be qualified for the difficult opera role.


Johann Strauss Die Fledermaus Adele


