  • 學位論文


A Study on the Perception of Body and Mind Health Care of Tea Drinking

指導教授 : 張忠良


21世紀的今天,「茶」已是我們生活周遭最常見的文化之一,從最普遍的食物商品、手搖杯,到珍珠奶茶的聞名全球,幾乎都能直接或是間接地觀察到「茶」在我們生活當中的足跡。 隨著科學的進步,人們對於茶葉成分和功效的瞭解也更加明確,導致現代許多人喝茶,除了講究生活情趣外,更看重的是它保健的效果;但由於茶葉具有一定程度的藥性,因此對於人體或多或少都會產生一些作用。為了瞭解這些反應,本研究訪問10位具有多年飲茶習慣的人,分別從生理和精神兩大層面觀察茶飲對身心感知上的影響。據研究結果得知,飲茶對人體的影響是有正、反兩面的。在正向方面,飲茶除了可以解渴之外,還可以享受到各種深淺不一的香氣和滋味,使人心情愉悅,通體舒暢,達到紓解壓力、精神飛揚的情境。但同時,也會因為不諳自己的體性、茶性,或其它外在因素,而導致身心不適,使得飲茶變成負擔,需要及時調整習慣或另選茶類。 茶飲可以滿足生理需求,其文化美學亦能滿足飲者的靈性世界,從中找到精神的歸宿。台灣茶類非常多樣,只要保持正確的茶飲觀念和方法,適時適量,一定會有助於健康,並提昇生活品質。


台灣茶 茶文化 茶保健 身心感知


In the 21st century today, "tea" is one of the most common culture around us. From the most common food products, beverage shops, to the world-renowned bubble tea, we can directly or indirectly see traces of "tea" in our lives. With the advancement of science, people have a clearer understanding of the ingredients and effects of tea. Therefore, besides the increment to the taste of life, nowadays people pay more attention to its health care effects. However, since tea has a certain degree of “medication effect”, so it more or less influences the human body. In order to understand these reactions, this research interviewed 10 people who have had tea drinking habits for many years and observed the physical and mental effects of tea drinking in two aspects of physiology and psychological perceptions. According to the research results, tea drinking has positive and negative effects on the human body. On the positive direction , tea drinking can not only relieve thirst, people who drink tea can also enjoy different levels of aroma and taste, increasing their level of happiness, relaxes their body, relieving stress and enlivening their spirit. But at the same time, because they are not familiar with their physical condition, tea condition, or other external factors, it can cause physical and mental discomfort, making tea drinking a burden, needing to adjust tea drinking habits or choose other types of tea. Tea drinking can satisfy physiological needs, and its cultural aesthetics can also satisfy the drinker's spiritual world, seeking spiritual belonging in this process. There are many types of tea in Taiwan. As long as proper tea drinking concept and method is maintained, using the right amount at the right time, it can definitely improve health and quality of life.


一、 書籍
1. 李時珍《本草綱目.卷32果之茗》。台南:世一文化,1999。
2. 陳可冀主編《清宮代茶飲精華》。台北:知音,2002。
3. 于觀亭《認識中國喝茶文化》。台北:宇珂文化、2004。
4. 陳慈玉《台北縣茶業發展史》。台北:稻香,2004。
