  • 學位論文


The journey of circular life

指導教授 : 許自貴


本創作研究是從自身出發,以生活事件為題材,經由想法感知轉化為自我的對話方式,或是與外界互動下的表達,將經驗藉由創作過程再現或重新詮釋。圓代表內我的精神性,一種心靈上的整體感以及自我形象。圓形的象徵意義指向生命的循環以及圓滿。圓對於創作者而言,除了圓形的具象感知外,還有圓形意義之於自身的抽象意義感悟,在研究創作論述的過程中,藉由創作實踐,以期更深刻體驗探索圓形之於自身的相互關聯,完成自我的「圓生歷程」, 在每次的創作過程中筆者似乎完成一趟趟與圓形象生成概念的探險旅程,也許互動的是與某個未知版圖星球抑或是圓形象的生物細胞。 以下將創作論述架構內容依章節簡述: 一、陳述個人創作研究動機與目的,說明研究方法與步驟,並簡述圓所指涉之意涵與釋義。 二、探討創作理念之理論基礎,以身體的知覺、潛意識心理、藝術表現論、符號論美學進行探索,參考曼陀羅意象之資料,分析其思想脈絡,剖析自我內在,為使創作實踐與作品詮釋有效進行,必須先了解形式構成與知覺的關係,並認識形式符號的藝術特質及其象徵。 三、藉創作發展歷程,回溯個人創作之軌跡,由大學時期至研究所階段,依序分為三小節說明,並探索藝術家創作模式,解析探究創作內涵。 四、創作內容與形式探究,針對個人創作,以蘇珊﹒朗格(Langer Susannek)學理基礎帶入探討創作內容形式、方法技巧與創作過程的內我的對話。 五、本創作研究的結論以及未來計畫與省思。


The theme of this creative research was based on life events on the author’s own. It was through the idea of self-perception into a dialogue, or the expression by interacting with the outside world, the research will experience the creative process through the reproduction or re-interpretation. The circle represented my spirit and it was an overall sense of spirit and self-image. The symbolism of circular indicated cycle of life and fulfillment. In addition, for creators, the circular is not only the circular concrete sense, but also circular sense of the abstract meaning on their own perception. During the process of the creative research statement, the author finished “The journey of circular life” by doing creative practice experience to explore more deeply in their own circle of interrelation. Moreover, during each of the creative process, the author seems to experience a round trip adventure of the concept of circular life, and perhaps she was interactive with an unknown image of the planet or a biological cell. The following content will be based on statements of each chapter: 1. This research indicated personal motivation and purpose of creation, it further explained the research method and procedures, and gave a brief description of the circle of meaning and interpretation. 2. The basis of creative ideas was based on the body's perception and subconscious psychological exploration. It referred “Mandala’s” image and analyzed its ideological context, analysis of the inner self. This research must first understand the composition and perception of the form relationship and understanding of the art form of symbolic nature and its symbolism for the purpose of interpretation of creation and work effectively. 3. Creative content and form tracked back from the author’s research stage, the creative order of the author in the college was divided into three sections explaining and exploring the models of artists and creative content. 4. Creative research and analytical writing for personal creative work, it use the basic theory of Langer Susannek to analyze the form of creative content, methods, techniques and creative process in my dialogue. 5. The conclusions of this study and future research.



