  • 學位論文


The Influence of Brand Preference, Brand Involvement, and Visual Stylistic Image on Car Purchasing Preferences

指導教授 : 鄭亦君


擁有一台汽車可以省去許多不必要的麻煩,同時也能縮減距離及時間成本,就此汽車在現代生活扮演了非常重要的角色,然而現今世界環境保護意識崛起,各國開始注重節能減碳,政府預計在2040年禁售燃油汽車,不光汰舊換新政策,也推動購買電動車補助等計畫,想必之後電動車將取代現在普遍的燃油車,故本研究想探討消費者是否會因品牌偏好、品牌涉入程度及造型視覺意象因素,影響消費者購買汽車。 本研究之研究方法以問卷調查為主,同時發放紙本及網路問卷,共回收292份有效問卷進行資料分析,並以SPSS統計軟體進行各項統計分析。研究結果發現消費者會因品牌偏好、品牌涉入程度及造型視覺意象對購買意願有正向的影響。 選購汽車不能只單單看品牌及外觀而已,當然還有許多細節需要了解及探討,外加十年前和十年後消費方向一定有所不同,故本研究主旨在於了解消費者自身的品牌偏好、品牌涉入程度還有外觀造型此簡單大範圍因素,對現在汽車消費者行為的概況,最後研究歸納出汽車對消費者之間的影響因素,作為後續研究者精進研究的參考。


Having a car can save a lot of unnecessary troubles, and at the same time reduce the distance and time cost. This car plays a very important role in modern life. However, today's world environmental protection awareness rises, countries begin to focus on energy conservation and carbon reduction, the government It is expected that the fuel vehicle will be banned in 2040. It will not only replace the old-for-new policy, but also promote the purchase of electric vehicle subsidies. After that, electric vehicles will replace the current common fuel vehicles. Therefore, this study will explore whether consumers will be brand-oriented. , brand involvement and visual image factors, affecting consumers to buy cars. The research method of this study was mainly based on questionnaires. At the same time, paper and online questionnaires were distributed. A total of 292 valid questionnaires were collected for data analysis, and statistical analysis was performed by SPSS statistical software. The study found that consumers have a positive impact on purchase intentions due to brand preferences, brand involvement and visual imagery. Buying a car can't just look at the brand and appearance. Of course, there are many details that need to be understood and discussed. In addition, the consumption direction must be different ten years ago and ten years later. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to understand consumers' own brand preferences. The degree of brand involvement and the appearance of this simple and wide-ranging factor, the current situation of automobile consumer behavior, and finally the study of the factors affecting the car to the consumer, as a reference for follow-up researchers.


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