  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Employee Satisfaction in an Armed Forces Hospital

指導教授 : 劉偉文


全民健保實施後,國軍醫院服務的對象涵蓋軍人、軍眷及一般社會大眾。面對醫療環境改變、國防預算縮減及醫院評鑑的要求,國軍醫院必須採取不同的經營管理策略應對,以謀求生存,員工在面臨此變革下,可能會影響其工作滿意度。 本研究的目的為:一、瞭解員工認為對醫院內部工作指標的重要度與現況滿意度情形;二、員工對醫院內部工作指標的重要度與現況滿意度間的差異;三、探討不同個人基本變項員工對醫院內部工作指標的重要度與現況滿意度間的差異。 研究方式採橫斷式的結構問卷調查,以中區某國軍醫院的全體員工為研究對象,共回收有效問卷474份。研究結果顯示:醫院內部工作指標滿意度介於普通到滿意之間(3.23)、最滿意的構面為工作本身、員工對醫院內部工作指標之重要度認知與現況滿意度之差異,皆達顯著差異而員工個人基本變項亦會影響工作滿意度。此外,醫院員工最希望提升工作滿意度措施有增加福利、改善薪資、增加人力。 本研究建議研究醫院制定公正績效獎金及專業津貼發放標準、調配適當人力、公平升遷考核及協助員工生涯規劃,促使員工對工作充滿熱誠與動力,進而提升醫療服務品質。


Since the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI), the Armed Forces Hospitals (AFH) have had to serve general citizens as well as military staffs and military families since then. Recently the AFH’s budget has been cut down. The Hospital managers have had to change their management strategies to meet the challenges caused by the NHI. The job satisfaction of hospital staffs has thus been influenced and changed. The purpose of this research is as follows: 1. To understand the value of the hospital employees and their latest satisfaction levels. 2. To employ importance-performance analysis (IPA) to evaluate the employees’ satisfaction levels of the internal work index in the hospitals. 3. To analyze the work satisfaction levels associated with the employees’ personal characteristics. This research is a cross-sectional study, using a structural questionnaire as an instrument, and employs 474 samples from an armed forces hospital in central Taiwan. The study reveals that the job index satisfaction levels are between common and satisfaction (3.23), and that the most satisfactory dimension of this research is the job itself. There are significant differences between importance and satisfaction. The personal characteristics of the employees also have substantial impact on job satisfaction. The favorite dimensions that the hospital employees hope to improve are welfare, salaries and human resources. The findings of this study suggest that the hospital managers should offer bonuses, promotions and raises for relatively effective employees, thus encouraging their passion and incentives and ameliorating medical service quality.


侯穎蕙、張睿詒、高森永、楊志良(2004) 。國軍醫院員工滿意度與對多元化經營模式之意見調查,醫護科技學刊,6(3),187-205。
楊紅玉、林淑萍、劉思穎、張耿銘、邱柏衡、甘明玉、賴芳足(2008) 。門診病患對服務品質的重視度及滿意度調查分析-以某醫學中心為例,健康管理學刊,6(2) ,171-184。
