  • 學位論文


The Effect of Lower Extremity Exercise Intervention on Exercise Self - Efficacy, Sleep Quality, Physical and Mental Health in Middle-Aged and Elderly

指導教授 : 黃心樹


研究背景:中高齡者骨骼肌質量會隨著年齡而流失,導致肌力減退與活動功能減退,老化相關的骨骼肌流失稱做肌少症。在社區裏的中高齡者每年跌倒的發生率大約是30~40%,跌倒主因為下肢肌耐力衰退,造成日常生活功能獨立性的喪失影響生活品質,對心理健康上也會受到影響,嚴重者甚至會造成失能或死亡,由此可見預防中高齡者下肢肌力衰弱問題應予以重視。 研究目的:本研究探討對中高齡者介入下肢運動,提升其運動自我效能與睡眠品質及身心健康之成效。 研究方法: 此研究方法為徵得某社區關懷據點同意參與計畫之55歲以上中高齡者,採立意取樣方式,分為實驗組及對照組各50名,接受下肢運動介入,為期12週,每週3次,每次介入時間為50分鐘,以比較有無下肢運動介入中高齡者之功能性體適能、基本生理指標、運動自我效能、睡眠品質、身心健康的差異情形。 研究結果:社區中高齡者下肢肌力運動及伸展運動介入提升功能性體適能(30秒坐站測驗、2.44公尺起身繞物測驗、2分鐘抬腿測驗、坐姿體前彎測驗)、運動自我效能、整體心理健康狀態、基本生理指標(腰圍、體脂肪比率、身體質量指數BMI、體重)及睡眠品質,實驗組提升數值優於對照組(p < .05)。 結論/實務應用:建議推廣在社區、臨床住院及長照機構的中高齡者之下肢運動介入,以維持中高齡者自行獨立日常生活活動,有效預防下肢肌力衰退老化及失能,以有效健康促進,避免成為社會及家人負擔。


Background: In middle-aged and elderly people, skeletal muscle mass will be lost with age, leading to decreased muscle function. The aging-related skeletal muscle loss is called sarcopenia. The incidence of annual falls from the middle-aged and elderly people in the community is about 30-40%. The fall is mainly due to the decline of muscle endurance in the lower limbs, which leads to the loss of the independence of daily life function, which affects the quality of life and will also affect mental health. In severe cases, it may cause disability or death. It can be seen that the prevention of lower limb muscle weakness in middle-aged and elderly people should be taken seriously. Purpose: This study explored the effects of lower extremity exercise intervention on middle-aged and elderly people to improve their self-efficacy, sleep quality and physical and mental health. Methods: This research method is for the middle-aged and elderly people who are over 55 years old of community care center, and have agreed to participate in the project, by purposive sampling, They are divided into the experimental group and the control group, 50 cases of control group and 50 cases of the experimental group receive lower extremity exercise intervention for 12 weeks, 3 times a week. Each intervention time is 50 minutes, and to conduct pre- and post-intervention tests, compare the presence or absence lower extremity exercise intervention of the difference in exercise self-efficacy and physical and mental health of the middle-aged and elderly people with lower limb movement. Results: Lower limb muscle strength and stretching exercises in the community are involved in improving functional fitness (30-s chair-stand test, 8 foot up-and-go test, 2-minute leg-lift test, chair sit-and-reach test), exercise self-efficacy, the overall mental health status, and the basic physiological indexes (waist circumference, body fat ratio, body mass index BMI, body weight) and sleep quality, the experimental group improved the value better than the control group (p < .05). Conclusion: It is recommended to popularize the concept and application of lower limb movement intervention to promote physical and mental health in community, clinical hospitalization and long-term care institutions, effectively prevent aging and disability of lower extremity muscle strength, so as to reduce the cost of medical care.


