  • 學位論文


A Study of the Integration of Family Education and Social Resources in Infant Care Centers - A Case Study in Taichung City

指導教授 : 張美雲


本研究旨在探討台中市某托嬰中心家庭教育推廣與社會資源整合情形以台中市一所私立托嬰中心為研究對象採用質性研究方法運用觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式蒐集現場資料並加以分析。研究對象包含托嬰中心主任、托育人員及幼兒家長以訪談、親子教育相關文件、研究省思回饋意見表等資料的蒐集研究結論如下: 一、托嬰中心推廣家庭教育的實施中,發現親子同樂的課程增加了家長的參與率、子職教育課程增加入園的機率、親職教育的課程贏得最多的滿意度與認同、推廣營養膳食實作參加人數少但參加者落實度高與親子遊戲的課程提升家長的向心力。 二、托嬰中心在辦理家庭教育推廣時遭遇之問題,包含了雙薪家庭導致辦理課程的困難度高與托嬰中心在辦理活動時需付出很多的資源。 三、托嬰中心整合社會資源之情形,可透過網路訊息快速整合社會資源推廣家庭教育、申請親職教育講座補助計畫成效佳以及藉助台中市親子館的資源能夠快速推廣整合家庭教育活動。


The purpose of this study is to explore the integration of family education promotion and social resources in a child-care center in Taichung City. The study was conducted in a private childcare center in Taichung City; this qualitative study adopted the methods of observation, interview and document analysis to collect onsite material and related documents for further analysis. The interview subjects included the director of the childcare center, the staff of the center and the parents of the young children. The data collected for analysis included the interview verbal data, parent-child education related documents, research reflections and feedback forms. The findings are as follows. 1.During the implementation of family education in the childcare center, it was found that parent-child fun courses increased the rate of parents’ participation, and child vocational education courses increased the enrollment rate of the center. Moreover, the results indicated that parental education courses had the highest satisfaction rate and recognition. Though the number of participants of the promoted nutritional meals was the lowest, it had the high rate of participants’ implementation. In addition, the parent-child game courses were found to enhance parental loyalty. 2. The problems encountered by the childcare center in the promotion of family education included the difficulty of handling courses due to double-incomes families and so more resources are needed when the activities were held at the center. 3. In the case of the integration of social resources in the childcare center, by means of Internet the social resources could be quickly integrated to promote family education. The Parenting Education Lecture Subsidy Program and the resources of the Taichung Family Pavilion and Childcare Resource Center were both found effective in promoting family education activity.


