  • 學位論文


Exploring the effects of music in reducing anxiety for antenatal women with high risk pregnancies

指導教授 : 李復惠


住院對高危險妊娠孕婦及家庭會造成沉重的壓力及負擔,易使孕婦出現焦慮反應,為了緩解其焦慮,除了臨床一般的醫療處置及護理措施之外,其他常見的介入措施還包括:冥想、音樂、按摩、芳香療法等促使身心放鬆的方式,其中音樂介入是目前廣被運用的一種輔助措施,於國內外的研究中發現音樂對於緩解住院病患的焦慮,效果值得肯定。本研究之目的特別針對高危險妊娠的住院對象,探討音樂介入對其焦慮的成效,並以生、心理指標作為評價,以實驗組及對照組兩組前後測之單盲類實驗性研究設計,於南部某區域教學醫院進行收案,實驗組及對照組各30位孕婦,總計60人。實驗組接受早上單次30分鐘的音樂介入,而對照組則於同時段戴上覆蓋式耳機臥床休息30分鐘。前後測評量工具為生理測量儀器及焦慮視覺類比量表,生理測量儀器主要評量焦慮之生理指標:顳溫、心跳速率、呼吸速率、收縮壓、舒張壓、血氧濃度、胎心率等七項數值,焦慮視覺類比量表主要評量焦慮之心理指標,所收集的資料以SPSS for Windows 17.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性及推論性統計分析。研究結果顯示,實驗組的焦慮程度在部份生理指標包括孕婦的顳溫與其呼吸速率,胎兒的胎心率,及心理指標於焦慮視覺類比量表的得分呈顯著改善,代表聆聽音樂的確能減緩高危險妊娠孕婦的焦慮。本研究的發現可提供醫護人員在運用音樂此種非侵入性輔助介入措施時的參考。


音樂 高危險妊娠 焦慮


Hospitalization will cause significant stress and load to the antenatal women with high risk pregnancies and their family. Anxiety is a common reaction for women with high risk pregnancies. In addition to general medical treatment and nursing care, other common interventions in reducing anxiety include meditation, music, massage, aromatherapy etc., which can promote physiological and mental relaxation. Music intervention is widely used as a complementary care and has been used to reduce the anxiety of hospitalized patients that the effects are worthy of recognition in foreign and domestic research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of music in reducing the anxiety of physiological and mental indices for antenatal women with high risk pregnancies. This experiment contains two groups with pre-test and post-test. A single-blinded and quasi-experimental design is used and all cases are collected from a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. Sixty mothers are assigned to either experimental (n = 30) or control (n = 30) group. While the experimental group takes a 30-minute music session in the morning of one day, the control group wears coverage headphones and bed rests for 30 minutes. The assessment tools for pre-test and post-test include medical instruments and Visual Analogue Scales-Anxiety. Seven physiological indices of anxiety include temporal artery temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, blood oxygenation, and fetal heart beat. One mental index of anxiety is Visual Analogue Scales-Anxiety. The Statistical Package of the Social Sciences Program (SPSS) for Windows 17.0 is used for descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. Major findings of the study show that music intervention therapy could decrease the anxiety level of the experimental group, including physiological and mental indices. The physiological indices are composed of three parts, including temporal artery temperature of mothers, respiration rate of mothers, fetal heart beat of fetuses, and the mental index is Visual Analogue Scales-Anxiety. It is concluded that listening to music could reduce the anxiety of antenatal women with high risk pregnancies. The study found that serving a reference for health care workers using music to provide cases with a non-invasive complementary intervention.


music high risk pregnancies anxiety


