  • 學位論文


The Correlation Study among Residential Handlings, Self-health Perceptions and Burnout to Long Term Care Givers

指導教授 : 許哲瀚


長期照護機構的照護人員主要工作為提供住民日常生活照護的各種需求,其中包含許多勞務搬運的行為。這些搬運工作可能會影響照護人員的身體健康並產生職業倦怠,進而引發離職率上升。是以本研究目的為調查照護人員對搬運住民的勞力工作負荷情況、自覺的健康狀況和職業倦怠的評估,並探討各構面因子的相關性。 研究對象為本國籍的長期照護人員,以立意取樣中臺灣11家長期照護機構,共發放問卷450份,回收371份,有效問卷為321份,問卷內容包含個人基本資料、搬運工作量表、自覺健康量表及職業倦怠量表。 受訪的照護人員以女性為多數,並以41-50歲、高中職以下、已婚、服務年資於1~3年之間、上全職固定班者較多,照護服務以每日照護人數約5~10人,每週照護時數在41~50小時。其長期照護人員對於住民搬運工作平均值3.46,自覺健康平均值3.38,職業倦怠平均值2.25,本研究以照護人員的背景變項對『住民搬運工作』、『自覺健康』和『職業倦怠』結果顯示,越年長搬運的工作量就越大,造成健康上的影響也越高,照護員大量的照護工作負擔,則會造成職業倦怠。照護機構在招募人員時,從工作需求來招募男性且年齡較輕的照護人員,以致降低中高年齡的女性照護人員搬運頻率,也可降低搬運照護工作時的負擔,加強教育照護服務員搬運住民相關知識和技巧,給予適度的休息,以減少因過度搬運工作所導致的健康傷害甚至職業倦怠。


The major duty of care givers is to provide various needs of daily life care for residents in the long-term care facilities and some of the works are labor handling. These handling works may affect the health even cause burnout of the care givers, and thus lead to increase turnover rate. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate the present status of resident handlings workload, self-health perceptions and burnout, as well as there correlation. The study subjects were long-term care givers in Taiwan. A purposive sampling procedure was employed to acquire 11 long-term care facilities data. 450 copies of questionnaire were delivered, 371 were returned and 321 were valid. The contents of questionnaire include variables of personal data, resident handling, self-health perception and burnout. The result showed that the higher appearance of the items in this study were female, age of 41 to 50, education of high school, married, years of working between 1 to 3, full time workers, 5 to 10 resident numbers of caring per day and 41 to 50 working hours per week. The average scores of resident handlings, self-health perceptions and burnout were 3.46, 3.38 and 2.25 respectively. In addition, the longer years of working bear heavier workload and the more significant effects of health issue thus result in burnout. It is therefore to suggest recruit new members of male and younger care givers in order to reduce the loading of workers. Besides, the owners of facility should strength the training knowledge and techniques of resident handling, give appropriate rest to diminish the health injury and burnout that were caused by excessive handling.


