  • 學位論文


A Research about the Needs to the Curriculum of Marriage Creative Ceremony Industry Human Resource in Taichung City

指導教授 : 李本燿


摘 要 本研究旨在探討文化創意產業人才培育課程之需求評估,選擇在文化創意產業範疇內歸屬創意生活產業類之婚紗產業加以瞭解。運用文件分析法了解文化創意產業、流行造型婚紗產業人才培育課程之現況,採用問卷調查、深度訪談來探討臺中市婚紗產業業者對人才培育課程之需求評估,並進一步分析不同背景變項婚紗產業業者對人才培育課程需求程度、實施方式及時數之需求差異情形。針對研究結果分析歸納下列結論: 一、婚紗產業業者對人才培育課程有高度需求,且對「專業技術」、「文化涵養」、「創意設計」、「經營管理」各類型課程均有需求。顯示其希望藉由跨領域課程來培育人才,對應國內技專校院文化創意、美容時尚造型(流行)科系開設課程現況趨勢是一致的。 二、整體而言,婚紗產業業者認為課程實施方式宜以課堂講授為主 但對「專業技術」、「創意設計」類型課程,宜採課堂講 授、實作演練、產業實習、專題演講多元方式進行。 三、大多數婚紗產業業者認為1-4小時課程實施時數能符合需求 ,但部分業者認為「專業技術」類型課程應有較多的實施時間。 四、不同背景變項業者對整體人才培育課程需求程度沒有顯著差異。 五、不同教育程度、職位、公司員工總人數的業者對培育課程實施方式需求沒有顯著差異,但年齡、專業背景、從事婚紗工作年資的不同會對課程實施方式需求造成影響。 六、除不同職位外,其餘不同背景變項業者對部分課程實施時數的需求有顯著差異。 針對研究結論提出建議,供產業、政府、學界及未來相關研究之參考。


Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the demands for personnel training courses in the marriage ceremony industry, which is a subdivision of cultural and creative industries, in Taichung City. A data analysis method was used to investigate current human resource development curriculums for the cultural and creative industry, particularly the fashion and marriage ceremony industries. A survey and in-depth interviews were conducted for collecting the data on the demand for the personnel training courses. Background variables of this study, such as the level of demand for the personnel training courses from the marriage ceremony industry, the implementation and the course length, were analyzed for their relations to the demand of training course. The study findings are as follows: 1) The marriage ceremony industry operators expressed a high demand for personnel training courses. The needed courses were “professional skills”, “cultural conservation”, “creative design”, and “management and administration”. It reveals that the industry hopes to cultivate personnel through cross-field curriculum. The situation corresponds consistently with the current trends of opening departments such as cultural creativity and beauty fashion styling at colleges in Taiwan. 2) In general, the marriage ceremony business operators agreed that lecture is a suitable approach for training courses. However, with the nature of professional skills and creative design, the teaching approach should comprise lectures, practical training, industrial apprentice training and keynote speeches. 3) Most of the business operators in the marriage ceremony industry believed 1-4 hours of training course will meet their needs. Nevertheless, some assert that for the professional skills courses, more hours are required. 4) Business owners with different background variables showed no significant difference on the lever of demand for personnel training courses. 5) The “education level”, “position”, and “size of the firm” showed no significant difference on the teaching approach. Yet, “age”, “professional background”, “work experience” had an impact on the implementation of training course. 6) In addition to “position”, business owner with other background variables showed significant difference partly on the length of course. According to the results, recommendations were provided for the industry, government, academia and future studies.


王嵩容 (2002)。臺北市婚宴市場消費者行為之研究。淡江大學,商
