  • 學位論文


The Related Studies of the Physical Activity, Body Image and Health Diet toward College Student

指導教授 : 林麗鳳


隨著社會變遷及科技發展的文明社會中,人們選擇靜態活動為主,相形學生們身體活動的機會逐漸減少,營養攝取過盛,致身體體位異常分佈及社會媒體扭曲體型觀感的影響下,產生對體型頗為不安感受,都是造成學生健康狀況極大威脅。故本研究旨在探討大學生身體活動、體型意識與健康飲食之相關性。採橫斷式研究問卷調查法進行資料收集,問卷內容包含個人基本資料及身體活動、體型意識與健康飲食。以中區某二所科技大學生為研究對象,發出412份問卷並回收有效問卷388份,有效回收率為94.2%,所取得資料以SPSS18統計套裝軟體進行分析,了解不同基本資料對身體活動、體型意識與健康飲食之間差異,及三者間的相關性。結果發現: (一)大學生身體活動在費力活動為平均1.73±2.02天、平均23.25±26.14分鐘、平均消耗卡路里78.66±121.51;中等費力活動平均2.03±2.05天、平均25.49±24.81分鐘、平均消耗卡路里45.16±69.86;在走路上平均3.88±2.42天、平均28.94±21.82分鐘、平均消耗卡路里61.20±64.54。(二)大學生體型意識上自覺體型與實際體型符合者:體型理想高於體型過輕、肥胖、體型過重者。認知健康體型與實際體型不符者:體型過輕者希望更輕達74.6%、體型理想認為自己不是體型理想者達73.3%。認知減重與實際體型:體型過重者不符合達97.8%、肥胖者不符合達97.1%。身體各部位滿意度最滿意為頭髮、最不滿意是下軀幹。(三)大學生健康飲食攝取情形嚴重不足:水果類攝取不足達88.4%、蔬菜類攝取不足86.1%、低脂乳品類攝取不足89.4%、豆魚肉蛋類攝取不足80.2%、全榖根莖類攝取不足69.1%、油脂與堅果種子類攝取不足96.4%、白開水攝取不足62.9%。喝含糖飲料平均2.90±2.20天、早餐外食達5.04±2.58天、午餐外食達5.58±2.12天、晚餐外食達5.02±2.46天、吃宵夜達2.18±2.59天。(四)非保健相關科系在費力活動上比保健相關科系好。肥胖在費力活動上比體型過輕好。在中等費力上肥胖比體型過輕、體型理想、體型過重好。在走路活動上男生比女生好;肥胖比體型過輕、體型理想好;體型過重比體型過輕、體型理想好。(五)在體型意識信心度上非保健相關科系比保健相關科系高;男生比女生好;體型理想在信心度上比肥胖、體型過重高;體型過輕比體型理想、肥胖高。體型認知正確性上男生比女生好、年齡大比年齡小好。(六)住家裡者水果類、蔬菜類攝取比住學校、其他住所好。有參加健康促進課程在蔬菜類攝取比沒參加好。非保健相關科系在低脂乳品類攝取比保健相關科系好。保健相關科系在全榖根莖類攝取比非保健相關科系好。每月生活費越少在全榖根莖類、油脂堅果種子類攝取比生活費多好。在白開水攝取男生比女生好;肥胖、體型過重比體型過輕、體型理想好。沒參加健康促進課程者在早餐外食、午餐外食比有參加者多。每月生活費多者在午餐外食、晚餐外食、喝含糖飲料、吃宵夜比生活費少者多。非保健相關科系在晚餐外食、喝含糖飲料、吃宵夜比保健相關科系多。男生在晚餐外食、吃宵夜多於女生。住學校和其他住所在晚餐外食多於住家裡。(七) 體型意識正確性與體型意識信心度呈正相關。身體各部位滿意度與體型信心度、體型意識正確性呈正相關。健康飲食與身體各部位滿意度呈正相關。 上述結果可提供給教育及衛生單位在倡導學生健康生活型態之供作參考。


As the society changes with the development of technology, people engage in more indoor activities which require less physical activity. People tend to intake more nutrition than their bodies’ need, which results in abnormal body types not commonly accepted by people under the influence of social media. Bad body types not only cause anxiety, but pose enormous threat to students’ health condition. Therefore, the research is to identify the correlation between college students’ physical activity, body image, and dietary behavior. This study used cross-section survey to collect date including personal background information, physical activity, body image, and dietary behavior. The participants are students from to university of technology in central Taiwan while 412 questionnaires are distributed and 388 response received with an overall response rate of 94.2%. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 18 software package to figure out the differences between individuals and their physical activity, body image, and dietary behavior as well as the relation between the three. This study found that: (1)College students engage in vigorous physical activity for 23.25±26.14 minutes, 1.73±2.02 days and burn 78.66±121.51 calories on average; moderate physical activity for 25.49±24.81 minutes, 2.03±2.05 days and burn 45.16±69.86 calories on average; walking for 28.94±21.82 minutes, 3.88±2.42 days and burn 61.20±64.54 calories on average. (2) College students whose body image matches their realistic body types: having higher ideal for body type than those who are underweighted, obese and overweight. Students whose recognized healthy body type does not match the realistic body type: 74.6% among those who are underweight but want to become lighter, 73.3% among those who are of ideal body type but not being aware of the fact. Those who perceive the need to lose weight and their realistic body types: 97.8% among those who have false perception of being overweight. 97.1% among those who have false perception of being obese. Participants have highest satisfaction to their hair and least satisfaction to their lower trunk. (3) Severe deficiency in the intake of healthy diet among college students: 88.4% in fruits, 86.1% in vegetables, 89.4% in low-fat dairy products, 80.2% in meats and protein, 69.1% in grain products, 96.4% in nuts and oil, 62.9% in water. Drinking sweetened beverages for 2.90±2.20 days; having breakfast outside for 5.04±2.58 days, eating midnight snack for 2.18±2.59 days. (4) Non-healthcare majors have better performance than healthcare majors on vigorous physical activity. Obese students have better performance than underweight students on vigorous physical activity. On moderate physical activity, obese students have better performance than students who are of underweight, ideal, body types. Males have better performance than females on walking. (5) In terms of body image confidence, non-healthcare majors have better body image confidence than healthcare majors; males better than females. Those who are of ideal body type have higher confidence than those who are overweight while those who are underweight have higher confidence than the two. In terms of the correctness of body type perception, males are better than females; senior students are better than junior students. (6) Students living with family consume more fruits and vegetables than students living outside. Students attending health facilitating courses consume more vegetables than those who don’t. Non-healthcare majors consumes more dairy products than healthcare related majors. Healthcare related majors consume more grain products than non-healthcare majors. Students with less monthly allowance consume more grains, oil and nuts than those with more monthly allowance. Males consume more water than females; obese, overweight students consumes more water than underweight students and students of ideal body type. Students who do not sign up for health facilitating courses have their breakfast and lunch outside more frequently than those who do. Students with more monthly allowance have lunch, dinner outside, drink sweetened beverages and eat midnight snacks more frequently than those with less monthly allowance. Non-healthcare majors have dinner outside, drink sweetened beverages and eat midnight snacks more frequently than healthcare majors. Males have dinner outside and eat midnight snacks more frequently than females. Students living outside have meals outside more frequently than students living at home. (7) The correctness of body type perception is positively correlated to body image confidence. Satisfaction to body parts, body image confidence and the correctness of body type perception have positive correlations. Healthy diet is positively correlated to satisfaction to body parts. The result above can be provided to education and health agencies to help make students aware of healthy lifestyle.


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