  • 學位論文


Studies on Antioxidant Properties of Taiwan Cherry (Prunus campanulata) Leaf Extracts

指導教授 : 陳惠英


台灣山櫻(Taiwan Cherry; Formosan Cherry,學名Prunus campanulata Maxim)是李屬(Prunus)的落葉喬木,為台灣原生種櫻樹,亦分布於中國南部和日本琉球群島。在日本,櫻花不只是觀賞花木,更能融入食物中直接食用,櫻餅就是用粉紅色的糯米類外皮,包上紅豆餡,最外層圍上一枚鹽漬櫻葉的米食點心。目前對櫻花葉的研究不多,因此本研究擬以不同加工方式處理櫻花葉,分析其抗氧化特性,以了解櫻花葉茶之開發潛力。本研究採集新鮮的櫻花葉以不同加工方式包含冷凍乾燥、蒸氣殺菁、揉捻後發酵及不同溫度乾燥等條件處理以製備櫻花葉萃取物,分析櫻花葉萃取物清除自由基之抗氧化特性,及萃取物成分與萃取液色澤之變化。實驗結果顯示櫻花葉以殺菁1分鐘後經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(B105OD) 的抗氧化效果較好,其次是揉捻後發酵12小時經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(F105OD),清除ABTS+自由基的IC50分別為26.86 µg/ml和29.51 µg/ml,清除DPPH自由基的結果與ABTS試驗相似,IC50分別為13.72 µg/ml和18.12 µg/ml。清除一氧化氮效果仍以殺菁後經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(B105OD)的能力最佳,IC50為13.93 µg/ml。抗醣化試驗中則以揉捻後發酵12小時經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(F105OD)抗醣化效果最好。櫻花葉萃取物總酚含量依序為殺菁1分鐘經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(B105OD) > 揉捻後發酵12小時經105℃熱風乾燥樣品(F105OD) > 50℃熱風乾燥樣品(50OD) > 冷凍乾燥樣品(FD),分別為234.8 、191.97、180.86、178.74 mg/g。相關性分析測定結果中顯示櫻花葉茶的抗氧化性與其多酚類含量相關。在色度分析上,經由殺菁和揉捻的茶湯其亮度偏亮,紅色度降低。本研究結果可以提供開發櫻花葉茶相關產品及保健機能之依據。


Taiwan cherry or Formosan cherry (Prunus campanulata Maxim.), Rosaceae family, genus Prunus, is a deciduous tree native to Taiwan, southern China and Japan's Ryukyu Islands. In Japan region, cherry leaves are consumed in the cuisines of a number of cultures. Sakuramochi is a Japanese sweet consisting of sweet pink-colored rice cake (mochi) with a red bean paste center, and wrapped in a pickled flowering cherry leaf. In Chinese traditional medicine, cherry leaves and flowers are used for asthma, coughs, and hangover treatment. However, the studies conducted on biological effects of the leaves are limited. In the light of these findings, we carried out this study to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the aqueous infusion of Taiwan cherry leaves that treated by different processing methods. Taiwan cherry leaves used for the study were taken from shoots grown in vitro culture. The fresh cherry leaves were treated by freeze-drying, steaming, twisting and fermentation, and dry them at different temperatures. The phenolic compounds content, color, antioxidant and antiglycative properties of extracts from cherry leaves were compared. The results showed that cherry leaves treated by steaming and then drying at 105℃ oven exhibited the strongest scavenging capacity on ABTS free radical, followed by leaves treated with twisting and fermentation, and then drying at 50℃ oven. IC50 values were 26.86 and 29.51 µg/ml, respectively. The scavenging effects of grape leaf infusions on DPPH radicals were similar to the results obtained in ABTS system. The contents of total phenolic compounds of cherry leaf extracts examined decreased in the order of B105OD > F105OD > 50OD > FD. The scavenging effects on free radicals of cherry leaf extracts were correlated well with their content of total phenolic compounds. The lightness of infusion from grape leaf treated by drying at 105℃ oven was decreased compared to the other processing methods. According to the data obtained in the study, the antioxidant activities and phenolic compounds content of cherry leaf extracts were varied depending on the processing methods. Cherry leaves treated by steaming and then drying at 105℃ oven showed better antioxidant activities. Overall results suggest that cherry leaf extracts has well antioxidant properties and has potential as a functional drink.


呂心泉、安辛欣。2000。櫻葉的風味物質和保健成分的開發應用,食品科學,21 (1),65-68。
