  • 學位論文


Research on Junior High School Students’ Participation in Mobile Virtual Communities, Physical Activities,and Physical Fitness - a Case Study in Taichung

指導教授 : 葉季森


中文摘要 目的:探討國中生使用行動虛擬社群、身體活動與健康體適能之關係。 方法:以台中市某公立國中學生為母體,採分層(年級)隨機抽樣法,取得研究樣本301位學生,進行橫斷式問卷調查法。結構式問卷內容包含:行動虛擬社群使用行為、臺灣身體活動量調查-學生自填圖卡短版問卷(IPAQ)、健康體適能、背景資料四部份。回收有效問卷280份,回收率93.0%。以統計軟體 SPSS 17.0版進行統計分析,統計方法含:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元階層線性迴歸。 結果:八成(83.9%)國中生使用自己的智慧型手機上網且以無限上網居多(60.0%)。使用行動虛擬社群(FB或Line)頻率:平均5.66天/週、平日(週一至五)1.5小時(82.8分鐘)/次、假日(週六、日)3.5小時(199.66分鐘)/次。使用行動虛擬社群意圖六成(63.2%)為人際互動型,以與朋友聊天、看別人或朋友動態為主;四成(36.8%)為休閒娛樂型,以約逛街、出門找朋友、看電影及打球為主。身體活動中、重度等級佔四分之三(77.5%)。四分之三(75.4 %)達教育部訂定之體適能四項檢測項目均高於25百分等級的健康體適標準。國中生身體活動與健康體適能呈顯著相關。身體活動、平日使用行動虛擬社群頻率可顯著預測健康體適能,預測力為39.2 %。 結論:身體活動屬中、重度等級、平日少使用行動虛擬社群的國中生其健康體適能較佳。建議政府建立友善場地、多提供免費或價格合理的動態休閒活動,透過行動虛擬社群(FB或Line)公布相關訊息,吸引青少年揪團去運動。學校應推廣普及化運動、落實「SH150」政策,除鼓勵及培養學生運動興趣外,亦可養成規律運動習慣,進而提升國中生之健康體適能。 關鍵詞:國中生、行動虛擬社群、身體活動、健康體適能


Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between using mobile virtual community, physical activities and health-related physical fitness of junior high school students. Methods: The subjects of the study were recruited from students in a certain junior high school in Taichung. A cross-section survey was conducted on 301 students stratified by grades. The questionnaire was divided into four sections: mobile virtual community(MVC), the international physical activities questionnaire, health-related physical fitness (HRPF), and background information. There were 280 valid questionnaires and the effective response rate was 93.0%. The data was analyzed by SPSS 17.0 and statistical methods including descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way Anova, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Results: 83.9% junior high school students used their own mobile phones surfing the net and 60% of them got unlimited data plan. They used MVC such as Facebook or Line 5.66 days per week and 1.5 hours for each time on weekdays and 3.5 hours for each time on weekends. As for the intention, 63.2% were related to social activities, including chatting with friends, and browsing posts from others. 36.8% were for leisure activities, including asking friends out for shopping or seeing a movie. In terms of physical activities, 22.5% students partipated in low-intensity exercise while 77.5% students partipated in moderate or high-intensity exercise. About 28.3% students would do outdoor activities during the break; however, 43.3% to 48.1% students were not used to exercise after class or after dinner. Roughly three quarters (75.4%) of Taiwanese junior high school students reached 4 standards of HRPF. All items are above 25th percentile. Physical activities and HRPF had significant correlation. HRPF could be predicted by analyzing physical activities and the use of MVC. The predictability was 39.2%. Conclusion: Junior high school students with moderate or high intensity of participating in physical activities and less use of MVC had better performance in HRPF. These findings suggest that government should focus on developing friendly area for exercising, offering more leisure activities for free or with reasonable prices. In addition, announcing public information through Facebook or Line can attract teenagers to go exercising in groups. Schools should promote exercise, execute SH150 policy, and encourage students to build up the habit of exercising. Combined with the design of the curriculum, the interventions should focus on strengthening fitness knowledge and sports skills to make students exercise voluntarily and regularly. Keywords: Junior high school students, mobile virtual community, physical activities and health-related physical fitness


于健、張喬(2015)。跑走運動對國小學童健康體適能的影響-以雲林縣立仁國小為例【專題】。觀光與休閒管理期刊,3(1), 90-102。
