  • 學位論文


A Study of the Correlation between Junior High School Students’ Participation in Leisure Activities,Physical Fitness and Well-being-a Case Study of a Municipal School in Taichung City

指導教授 : 葉季森


中文摘要 研究目的:瞭解國中生休閒參與、體適能、幸福感現況,進而探討影響國中生幸福感的重要因素。 研究方法:以臺中市某公立國中學生為母體,採年級分層,自每一年級以簡單隨機抽樣法,取3-4個班,共11班311位學生為樣本。請受試學生填寫自編「國中生休閒參與、體適能與幸福感問卷」,收集個人基本資料、父母對子女休閒參與之態度和參與度、國中生休閒參與資料(含:休閒參與類型、時間、頻率)、幸福感、體適能檢定成績(含:身高、體重、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、女生800公尺及男生1600公尺跑走)。研究資料以統計軟體 SPSS 17.0版進行分析,統計方法有描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關、逐步多元迴歸。 結果:國中學生九成以上(97.4%)參與休閒活動,最常從事娛樂型活動,其他依序為體能型、社交型、知識藝文型。71.5% 的受試者達到教育部訂定之體適能四項檢測項目均高於25百分等級(中等等級以上)的健康體適標準。幸福感指數68.2(滿分100),其中以「人際關係」最佳,「自我肯定」最不理想。影響幸福感的重要因素為國中生參與休閒活動的程度和家長對子女休閒的態度,預測力為29.1%。 結論:某公立國中生普遍有參與休閒活動的習慣、體適能成績表現優異、多半感受幸福。國中生參與休閒活動的程度愈高、家長對子女休閒的態度愈支持,則幸福感愈高。本研究結果希望提供相關單位重視休閒活動,養成國民終身運動的習慣,使學生能體會參與休閒活動的樂趣,促進幸福的感受。 關鍵字:國中生、休閒參與、健康體適能、幸福感


Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the association of participation in leisure activities, fitness and well-being among junior high school students. Methods: All subjects were recruited from junior high school in Taichung. Based on simple random sampling, each grade chose 3-4 classes and total 311 students from 11 classes were performed in the study. The questionnaire included personal information, parents’ attitude and involvement toward children’s leisure activities, data including type, time, frequency of junior high school’s leisure involvement, happiness and fitness including height, weight, one-minute sit-up, sit and forward flexion, standing long jump, 800 meters running for girls and 1600 meters running for boys. The data was analyzed by SPSS 17.0 and statistical methods applied including descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way Anova, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: 97.4% junior high school students were engaged in leisure activities. Among the leisure activities, recreational types of activities had the highest frequency of participation and others were physical, social, and knowledgeable types of activities in order. 71.5% students reached the standard of physical fitness set by Ministry of Education with medium level, indicating that 4 skills were higher than 25 percentile rank. Happiness index stood at 68.2 (out of 100). Interpersonal relationship got the highest scores and self-affirmation was the least one. The main factors of influencing happiness were the participation level of junior high school students in leisure activities and the attitude from parents. The predictability was 29%. Conclusion: Overall students in this junior high school were used to attend leisure activities, and they performed great physical fitness and mostly felt satisfied. The more frequently they participated in leisure activities, the more support they would get from parents. Therefore, it would bring more happiness. The result of this essay would be provided to relevant institutes as references to increase nationals’ happiness. Keywords: Junior high school students, leisure activities participation, physical fitness, well-being


