  • 學位論文


Case Study on Infant Massage for Action Development in Children with Miller-Dieker syndorome

指導教授 : 洪智倫


論文名稱:平腦症幼兒實施嬰兒按摩對於動作發展之個案研究 校 院 系:中臺科技大學文教事業經營研究所 頁 數:152 畢業時間:2017/06 學位別:碩士 研 究 生: 陳嘉莉 指導教授:洪智倫 博士 摘要 本研究旨在探討平腦症幼兒實行嬰兒按摩對於動作發展之個案研究,採用單一受試倒返實驗方法,透過觀察、訪談以及相關資料的蒐集,了解平腦症嬰幼兒的生理發展與問題現況。 自變項為嬰兒按摩技術,依變項為平腦症幼兒動作發展的改善,研究對象係以托嬰中心機構中一位平腦症幼兒,資料收集對象為幼兒母親,研究結果為嬰兒按摩介入後發現受試者在動作發展方面有顯著性成效為:1.點頭搖晃次數少於每分鐘5次、2.抬頭角度能超過15度、3.可獨立坐臥或趴臥、4.可側身翻身、5.無舌頭外吐現象、6.手掌能抓握物品。在親子關係改善方面有顯著性成效,因為母親親身學習按摩的技能,且能應用於幼兒身上。透過嬰兒按摩促進了與幼兒的互動,更見證幼兒動作發展的進步,建立了母親育兒的信心,更增進親子間互動的和諧。 依據研究結果可提供各階段相關從業人員如早療單位、醫療相關人員、學齡前托育機構及家長做為推廣嬰兒按摩之參考,並期待有更良好的效果展現。 關鍵詞:平腦症、動作發展、嬰兒按摩、個案研究。


Title:Case Study on Infant Massage for Action Development in Children with Miller-Dieker syndorome Name of Institute:Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute of Cultural and Educational Management Graduation Time:2017/06 Page:152 Student:Chen, Chia-Li Degree:Master Adviser:Dr. Hung, Chih-Lun Abstract The present study was a case study aiming to investigate the influences of infant massage on motor development of a child with Miller-Dieker syndrome.This single-case research approaching through observations, interviews and information gathering was applied to look into the physiological development and circumstance nowadays of the child with Miller-Dieker syndrome. The subject was a Miller-Dieker syndrome child in a daycare facility from Taichung. The independent variable was infant massage techniques while improvements on motor development as dependent variable and information was gather from the mother. After the intervention of infant massage, the results show:1.The infantile spasm occurred less than five times in a minute. 2.Head lifting angle was over 15 degrees. 3.Being able to sit or prone independently 4.Being able to roll over. 5.No tongue thrust occurred. 6.Being able to grab objects with palms. Other than that, the parent-child relationship was also improved significantly due to the mother had learned techniques of infant massage herself and applied it personally to her child. With this kind of interactions through the help of infant massage, the mother could witness the progresses in motor development of her child and grow up confidence of nurturing child then get to reach the harmony of parent-child interactions. The study results above could provide a reference of promoting infant massage to relative involvements at different stages such as early intervention facilities, medical employees, pre-school day care centers and parents. We look forward to better influences in the future. Key words: Miller-Dieker syndrome, motor development, infant massage, case study


