  • 學位論文


A practical approach for the implementation of autoverification using LIS

指導教授 : 張志忠


檢驗資訊系統 (Laboratory information system)已被廣泛地使用於各醫療院所的實驗室,它能有效的連結儀器端、醫院資訊系統(Hospital information system)端與使用者端,用於傳遞醫囑、病患資料與檢驗結果報告。近年來隨着資訊科技(Information Technology)的蓬勃發展,各醫療院所也漸漸的也朝向資訊化、智慧化發展,以往檢驗所產生的結果都是由人工記錄及比對,會造成資料輸入錯誤,作業時間也非常的長,所以本研究將實作檢驗結果自動驗證(Autoverification),如此不僅可改善報告核放速度,且可降低報告錯誤百分比和縮短報告完成時間,最重要的是能藉由智慧化的系統快速的判斷出病患檢驗數據是否有異常,使醫師能在有效時間內依據檢驗數據做出最佳的判斷,把握病患的黃金治療時間。


Autoverification is a process in which computer software will automatically evaluate laboratory test results, verify result integrity, and then release the results to the hospital interface without any technologist intervention. Most clinical laboratory departments of hospitals have developed their laboratory information systems (LISs) nowadays in Taiwan, which can provide two-way communications between LIS and measuring instruments. It has largely improved result quality, increase revenue, and create faster turn-around times. However, early laboratory information is carried out manually using paper recording method. It is a time-consuming and intensive labor. In this study, an autoverification procedure was implemented in the LIS; delta check values were calculated and defined, as well as automatic verification ranges. Moreover, the system can examine urgent value and positive pathology report in medical treatment with the intelligent expert’s automatic interpretation function. Thus, it also integrates the disease sense accuses for medical advice with the safe quality of the hospital by improving patients in systematic merger experience.


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