  • 學位論文


The Research on Consumers' Loyalty in Purchasing Fuel Locomotives-Taking Central Taiwan as an Example

指導教授 : 昝大偉


本研究旨在探討消費者選購燃油機車忠誠度之研究-以台灣中部為例,隨著科技科技進步,並由於機車便利性及價格平民化之特性,使其成為國人的必需品。至2020年止,全台機車總數達1400餘萬台,相比汽車來說高出將近2倍多。另外發現,環保署補助七期燃油機車汰舊換新制度,其結果令人想不到是燃油機車補助比電動機車多出將近九倍之多。本研究以問卷調查法,採用便利性取樣,從2021年2月開始進行,至2021年4月1日結束問卷調查作業。共計發放220份問卷,回收有效問卷共169份,有效回收率100%。將問卷調查所得資料,以SPSS 21.0統計套裝軟體,對本研究各項假設,進行資料分析與處理工作。所採用之統計方法包括敘述統計分析、信效度分析、迴歸分析、單因子變異數分析。本研究結果如下:(一)燃油機車購買動機之內在參考因素對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(二)燃油機車購買動機之外在參考因素對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(三)燃油機車評估標準之產品本質對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(四)燃油機車評估標準之產品特性對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(五)燃油機車購買動機對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(六) 燃油機車評估準則對消費者忠誠度有顯著性正向影響。(七)不同背景之人口統計變項對燃油機車忠誠度有部分顯著性差異存在。


This study was conducted to assess the correlation of the Research on Consumers' Loyalty in Purchasing Fuel Locomotives-Taking Central Taiwan as an Example. With the advancement of science and technology, and due to the convenience and price of locomotives, it has become a necessity for Chinese people. As of 2020, the total number of locomotives in Taiwan has reached more than 14 million, which is nearly twice as high as that of automobiles. In addition, it was found that the EPA subsidized the seventh phase of the replacement system for fuel-fueled locomotives. As a result, it was unexpected that the subsidy for fuel-fueled locomotives was nearly nine times more than that of electric locomotives. Therefore, this study applied quantities research and develops multiple-item measures of multiple-dimensions amounted to 220 questionnaire in 2021, in a total sample of 169 with valid collection rates of 100%. The data gathered were thus analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression models. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The internal considerations of the purchase motive of fuel locomotives have a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. (2) The consideration factors other than the purchase motivation of fuel locomotives have a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. (3)The product nature of fuel locomotive evaluation criteria has a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. (4) The product characteristics of the fuel locomotive evaluation criteria have no significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. (5) Purchasing motivation of fuel locomotives has a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. (6) Fuel locomotive evaluation criteria have a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty.(7)There are some significant differences in the loyalty of fuel locomotives to demographic variables of different backgrounds.


