  • 學位論文


Appling the Local Revitalization Strategy to Discuss Temple Cultural in Lukang

指導教授 : 張千雲


文史記載台灣的歷史沿革大致可區分為:史前時代、荷西時期(荷蘭:1624年~1662年,西班牙:1626年~1642年(佔領台灣北部))、明鄭時期:1662年~1683年、清領時期:1683年~1895年、日治時期:1895年6月17日~1945年、國民政府至今,在經過這些時期沿革都離不開宗教信仰心靈寄託,鹿港廟宇文化更是代表作,亦帶動食、衣、住、行、育、樂之產業。 本研究探討鹿港以過去文化為根基,發展符合現在實用性、計畫未來傳承性,延伸帶動鹿港地方創生,吸引更多年輕人返鄉創業發展,結合產、官、學、民互動,開創現代商機,促進就業機會,帶動經濟成長,配合政府推廣以地方創生帶動均富的社會,亦能傳承推廣地方文化特色。


The historical evolution of Taiwan recorded in literature and history can be roughly divided into: Prehistoric era, Jose period (Netherlands: 1624-1662, Spain: 1626-1642 (occupying northern Taiwan)), Ming-Zheng period: 1662-1683, Qing-ling period: 1683-1895, Japanese Governing Period: From June 17, 1895 to 1945, from the National Government to the present, the evolution of these periods is inseparable from religious belief and spiritual sustenance. The Lukang temple culture is a masterpiece, which also drives food, clothing, housing, transportation and education, Music Industry. This research explores that Lugang is based on the past culture, its development is in line with the practicality of the present, the future inheritance of the plan, and the extension drives the local creation of Lugang, attracting more young people to return to their hometown for entrepreneurship and development. , to create modern business opportunities, promote employment opportunities, drive economic growth, cooperate with the government to promote a society where local creation drives equal wealth, and can also inherit and promote local cultural characteristics.


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