  • 學位論文


A study on the Relationship among Recreation Specialization, Flow Experience and Satisfaction of Badminton Participants -In Branch vitality Badminton Hall Case

指導教授 : 王之弘


在現代科技發達所賜,影音媒體的訊息,透過網路能以飛快的速度傳播到大眾的手機、平板、電腦等等,使得各種活動與賽事能夠透過網路的播送,零時差的讓大眾掌握,然而現代人飲食上過於精緻並缺乏運動,才產生出許多的現代文明病。讓國人不得不開始重視自我的身心健康加上近年台灣羽球運動風氣的盛行,所以近年來國內民營羽球場館不斷增加,部分各級學校也對外開放體育場館成立羽球社團或業餘羽球隊,讓一般民眾可以一同參與,而羽球運動對於一般民眾而言不僅上手容易,甚至在於運動的過程中,還可以訓練反應及腦力可說是一舉數得。 本研究皆在探討羽球運動參與者的遊憩專門化程度、心流體驗、顧客滿意度之關係,研究法採問卷調查法,到中科活力羽球館以便利抽樣,發放問卷,共計回收199份有效樣本,以描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究結果發現:1.遊憩專門化程度對心流體驗有顯著影響;2.遊憩專門化程度對顧客滿意度有顯著影響;3.心流體驗對顧客滿意度有顯著影響。本研究針對以上結論,深入討論三者之間的意涵,並提供民營羽球館募集羽球參與者及營運方面的建議。


In the modern technological advances, thanks to audio and video media messages, through the Internet can spread at a rapid pace to the public phone, tablet, computer, etc., so that a variety of activities and events can be broadcast through the Internet, allowing the public to grasp zero-day However, the modern diet is too fine lack of exercise, it produced many of the diseases of modern civilization. So that people have to start self-importance of physical and mental health in recent years, coupled with Taiwan's badminton ethos prevails, so in recent years, increasing domestic private badminton stadiums, schools at all levels are also part of the establishment of open stadiums badminton associations or amateur badminton team, so the general people can participate in together, and badminton not only easy to get started for the general public is concerned, even in that process in motion, and the reaction can also be mental training can be said to serve several purposes. In this study, the participants are discussing badminton recreation degree of specialization, flow experience, the relationship between customer satisfaction, the research method adopted questionnaire, to the vitality of the Division Badminton Hall to facilitate sampling, questionnaires, a total recovery of 199 valid samples, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other statistical data analysis. The results of this study found that: 1 recreation degree of specialization have significant impact on the flow experience; 2 recreation degree of specialization have significant impact on customer satisfaction; 3 flow experience have significant impact on customer satisfaction.... In this study, the above conclusions, in-depth discussion between the three implications, and provide recommendations to raise private badminton badminton hall participants and operational issues.


乃慧芳( 2013),田徑選手運動動機、運動涉入及流暢體驗之研究,運動教練科
學 ,第30期 ,第53-66頁。
學刊,第14卷 第3期,第328-336頁。
