  • 學位論文


A Study on the Satisfaction of the Reserve Soldiers' Educational Convening Training in the Central Region

指導教授 : 劉自強


現敵情威脅日益增長,面對快速變動且複雜的臺海與區域安全情勢,秉持「自己國家自己救」的決心,以及「勿恃敵之不來,恃吾有以待之」精神,應時時刻刻進行建軍備戰工作、勤訓精練,全力捍衛國家主權及守護人民與家園。依整體防衛作戰需求檢討後備兵力,110 年已編成 2 個步兵旅、1 個後備部隊訓練中心,後續依期程規劃於113年前再編成3個步兵旅、2個後備部隊訓練中心,期能藉由增編後備部隊與調整編裝,提升教召訓練能量,顯見後備戰力之重要性。然而探討後備軍人訓練滿意度之議題,較為罕見,故嘗試做一探究。 本研究以中部地區後備軍人為對象,發放問卷進行資料樣本蒐集,研究母體為退伍8年內之軍官、士官、士兵,回收有效問卷233份。問卷構面以李克特量表為基礎,以年齡、學歷、婚姻、工作年資及戶籍地等,設計17個訓練品質衡量題項,探討教召員對教育召集訓練之滿意度,研究結果顯示:訓練滿意度僅受到個人學歷及婚姻顯著影響,其餘構面影響並不顯著。建議必須改善的項目包括:伙食及生活設施提升、訓練課程設計改善、持衡推動全民國防教育、教召對象教育作為、及教召員寶眷表揚等項目。


The threat of the enemy’s situation is growing. Facing the rapidly changing and complex Taiwan Strait and regional security situation, uphold the determination to "save it by your own country" and the spirit of "Don’t rely on the enemy’s not coming, but wait for it." Carry out military building and war preparations, diligent training and intensive training, to fully defend national sovereignty and protect the people and homes. According to the overall defense combat requirements, the reserve force has been reviewed. In 2021, 2 infantry brigades and 1 reserve force training center have been organized. Follow-up plans are scheduled to be reorganized into 3 infantry brigades and 2 reserve force training centers before 2024. By adding the reserve forces and adjusting the equipment, the training energy of teaching and calling is improved, and the importance of the reserve combat power is obvious. However, it is rare to discuss the issue of training satisfaction of reserve soldiers, so tried to explore it. In this study, reserve soldiers in the central region were targeted. Questionnaires were issued to collect data samples. The research matrix was officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers who had been retired within 8 years, and 233 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire is based on the Likert scale, and 17 training quality measurement items are designed based on age, education, marriage, working years, and residence registration, to explore the satisfaction of teachers with education convening training. The research results show: Training satisfaction is only significantly affected by personal education and marriage, and the other dimensions are not significantly affected. The items that must be improved include: food and living facilities, training course design, balanced promotion of national defense education, educational behaviors of the callers, and praise from the callers' family members. Keywords: Callers, Education convening, Training satisfaction, Central region.


內政部統計處( 2021),內政部統計通報,網際網路取自:https://www.moi. gov.tw /News_ Content.aspx?n=2905&s=214810。
