  • 學位論文


The Research of Cross Straits of Patent Act related to International Priority

指導教授 : 楊敏華


摘要   本論文將研究目標放在兩岸《專利法》有關「國際優先權」之部分,而「國際優先權」關鍵之所在,即主張優先權之法定不變期日,所以大致上重點都幾乎著眼於此關鍵。   而在論文開端,先從整體「國際優先權」之緣由作論述與研究,並且將「國際優先權」之概念與國際起源,詳細介紹,而後針對臺灣與大陸《專利法》有關「國際優先權」之發展與立法沿革論述,此方式有別於其他相類似之文章,因為完全把目標鎖定在「國際優先權」,運用詳細式立法沿革研究,加上配合條文排列呈現出來,以便讀者對照。   第三章開始則將國際上,最原始之專利「國際優先權」規範作一論述,也就是針對《巴黎公約》有關「國際優先權」之部分,於其構成要件、類型、及效力,個別從條文當中,分別提出論述以茲說明;而後又將臺灣《專利法》有關「國際優先權」之規定與大陸《專利法》有關「國際優先權」之規定中,分別論述其構成要件、類型、及效力,作為兩岸之間專利「國際優先權」制度內容及效力比較,試圖從當中找到可以更待改進或加強之處。   然而臺灣與大陸之間因為彼此國際地位與關係特殊,所以在兩岸專利「國際優先權」之適用,也有所不同,最主要還是因為兩岸所跟隨的國際發展情勢不同而生;也因為臺灣與大陸,對於彼此間專利「國際優先權」適用時之認知有所不同,所以在兩岸商業合作頻繁之今日,仍然有許多兩岸彼此申請專利主張「國際優先權」之問題存在,本文第四章則分別論述加以說明分析,試圖從現代國際面向角度,分析兩岸間主張「國際優先權」之種種,進而推演出幫助臺灣及大陸間《專利法》「國際優先權」共同成長機會。   然而本文最終目的,係求兩岸之間,近日共同發展頻繁,商業貿易往來密切,加上兩岸簽署《兩岸經濟合作架構協議》(ECFA)後,臺灣與大陸經濟發展,可說為緊密不可分,然而在商場上,專利權之擁有事關市場競爭能力重大,所以能夠擴張臺灣專利申請人主張優先權法定期日,勢必影響兩岸經濟發展層面,換句話說,如果在兩岸之間,針對專利「國際優先權」法定期日有所配套發展空間,例如以協議或者立法,又或者個案處理之方式呈現,此為本文最終研究目的,也期待本文對於現今臺灣與大陸之間和平經濟發展可以有所幫助,更期待本文對於臺灣國內《專利法》有關「國際優先權」之部分,比照國際趨勢及兩岸經貿共同發展情狀下,在未來改革或修法上有所協助。


Abstract This study examines the convention priority right regarding the Patent Law of Taiwan and China. The key point of the convention priority right is the statutory peremptory date for claiming a priority; thus, this study primarily focuses on this factor. This study begins with a discussion and analysis of the cause of the convention priority right before introducing the concept and international origin in detail. This paper explores the development and legislation of the convention priority right regarding the Patent Law of Taiwan and China. The methods adopted in this study differ significantly from those of similar studies because this study focuses on the convention priority right. For comparison purposes, studies on legislation history are detailed and presented with the corresponding articles. In Chapter 3, we discuss the convention priority right regulated by the Paris Convention, which is the original regulation on the priority right of patents. The constitutive requirements, types, and validities of each article are identified and analyzed individually to provide a clearer explanation. This chapter compares the provisions of the convention priority right in the Patent Law of Taiwan with that of China. To identify the disadvantages of this law and methods of improvement, this chapter analyzes the constitutive requirements, types, and validities and then compares the systems of patent convention priority rights in Taiwan and China regarding their content and validities.  Because of their international status and particular cross-strait relations, the patent convention priority right has different applications in Taiwan and China. These differences are primarily caused by the varying global development of the two countries. This results in both countries having difficulty recognizing the patent convention priority rights of the other country while filing patent application to claim such rights. This issue has increased in importance recently because of greater cross-strait business cooperation. In Chapter 4 of this study, we analyze cross-strait claims of convention priority right from a global perspective and call for a reciprocal opportunity to develop convention priority rights in patent laws between Taiwan and China. Joint cross-strait developments are becoming increasingly frequent, and commercial trade between Taiwan and China has never been more substantial. Since the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was signed, the economic development of Taiwan and China has been deeply linked. However, the possession of patent rights is significant to market competitiveness. Therefore, an extension of the statutory date for Taiwan’s patent applicants to claim priority rights will undoubtedly influence cross-strait economic development. The ultimate goal of this study is to identify a possible method for developing complementary policy, in the form of an agreement, legislation, or case-by-case, on the statutory date of cross-strait patent convention priority right. We hope the results of this study increase the peaceful economic development between Taiwan and China. Furthermore, according to global trends and cross-strait economic development, we anticipate that the results of this study will benefit the amendment of Taiwan’s Patent Law concerning convention priority rights.


1.中華人民共和國國家智慧產權局 編,《專利審查指南》,北京:知識產權出版社出
2.尹新天 著,《新專利法詳解》,北京:智慧財產權出版社出版,2003年版。
