  • 學位論文

消費性貸款產品設計及營業單位執行 貫徹之研究-以房屋擔保貸款為例

A Study on Product Design and Accomplishment of Business Units for Consumer Loan -A Case Study of Housing Mortgage

共同指導教授 : 陳唐平 林惠慈


本研究旨在探討台灣房屋市場行情與金融機構消費性貸款產品設計及營業單位執行貫徹之研究,選取金融機構總管理單位金融商品設計及營業單位貫徹執行的主管為研究對象,本研究採取個案研究法,經由相關文獻分析歸納出訪談大綱,並以個案公司為研究對象進行訪談,成為研究之資料來源,經由專家訪談結果,而獲致結論如下: 個人消費性貸款業務是金融機構營業項目主要業務之一,亦為金融機構盈餘收入之主要來源之一,總管理單位所規定之授信辦法、條件,讓地方營業單位徵審執行者依據此原則下對提昇授信品質,遵循總行訂定目標業績,健全永續的經營創造績效。 1.「利率」是絕大多數人在決定是否在那一家金融機構申請貸款前的主要考量因素。 不過,房屋貸款的授信條件絕不只考慮利率為唯一條件。 2.個人消費性房屋貸款業務的貫徹,尋找市場定位,建立市場區隔來。 3.房貸產品能否實施產品差異化,其效果為何。 4.對房貸業務的審核透過消費者個人信用評等進行核貸。 5.房貸作業流程之控管對業務缺失與不良放款抑制之效果。 後續研究建議: 1.金融機構在追求盈餘的同時,也需兼顧風險的控管。 2.營業單位授信人員的工作繁忙及輪調太頻繁,對授信規章及辦法有所疏忽,應建立合理的輪調及加強授信人員的規章講習。 3.可依信用評等系統的評分及違約率達到一定水準時,授權在某一授信金額以下的房屋貸款案件可予各層級審核的權責。 4.金融機構從業人員欲研究者常有擔保品不用太過於深入,卻忽略徵信的5P原理原則,為防範不動產投資客利用人頭戶向金融機構申貸,金融機構應加強徵授信審核。


The purpose of this study is to research on Taiwan housing market and its house loan product design as well as the implement of local operations of the financial institutions. It is based on individual case studies starting with the select of management level of financial institutions being the case study resource, using the analysis result of relevant documentation for interview outline. And then the case study company went through professional interviews with the managers. The following is a recap of conclusions: Personal consumer loan is one of the most important businesses for financial institutions. It is also the major income and revenue resource for financial institutions. The head quarter management set up credit rules and conditions for local business to carry out to meet the revenue goals. The ultimate target is to maintain a stable and long-lasting business after improving the credit quality. 1.Rate is the major but not the only concern for consumers who decide which financial institution to apply for loans. Credit conditions and mortgage payment term are also crucial consideration. 2.Enhance the promote of personal housing loan, search for market positioning and create market segmentation 3.The possibility and effects of product differentiation being applied to mortgage loan products 4.Audit personal credit rating before the approval of mortgage loan. 5.Security of loan process eliminates business loss and irregular loan and advance. Study to be followed 1.During the pursuit of profit, risk control needs to be taken into serious consideration. 2.The credit officers of local business who are usually very busy after a frequent shift rotation tend to neglect the credit restrictions and rules, a reasonable shift rotation and training on credit inspections should be established. 3.Credit review and approval up to a certain amount of loan should be distributed and authorized to different inspection level based on customer’s credit rating and default percentage. 4.The lack of profound collateral system is the cause of ignorance of credit 5P theory and principle by employee researchers. To prevent clients’ using dummy account to apply for loan, financial institutions should create a healthy and rigorous credit rating and loan approval system.


吳芝儀、李奉儒 譯(2008)。質性研究與評鑑(上)、(下) -研究方法。
譯自Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods -Michael Quinn Patton。


