  • 學位論文


The Effect of Placement Marketing of Korean Drama on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: The Role of Viewing Experience

指導教授 : 劉嘉雯


近年來韓劇已成為人民紓壓的一種方式,隨著預告片的熱播,收視率節節攀升,連帶著也帶動了韓劇置入商品的熱賣,而從產品置入到消費者購買,其中閱聽者的觀賞體驗扮演著相當重要的角色。藉由過去對置入性行銷與消費者購買意願的研究進行補充,瞭解觀賞體驗在韓劇置入性行銷與消費者購買意願中的關聯性。 本研究以觀賞過韓劇的閱聽者為研究對象,探討韓劇置入性行銷對消費者購買意願之影響。本研究共回收問卷380份,有效問卷341份,有效問卷回收率89.74%。研究結果顯示:韓劇置入性行銷會正向影響消費者購買意願、韓劇置入性行銷會正向影響觀賞體驗,觀賞體驗會正向影響消費者購買意願,且置入性行銷會透過觀賞體驗正向影響消費者購買意願。最後,根據研究結果提出管理意涵及後續研究建議。


Recently, watching Korean dramas has become a method to channel daily stress. The wide broadcast of trailers leads to increasing television ratings and excites the sales of products displayed in the dramas through placement marketing. To have product placement successfully lead to consumer purchase behavior, the viewing experience of the audience plays a crucial role. This study supplemented the literature on placement marketing and consumer purchase intention by examining the effect of viewing experience on the relationship between placement marketing in Korean dramas and consumer purchase intention. This study recruited the audience who had viewed Korean dramas as participants to explore the effect of placement marketing in such dramas on their purchase intention. A total of 380 questionnaires were administered and 341 valid questionnaires were returned, for a valid response rate of 89.74%. The results revealed that placement marketing in Korean dramas positively affected consumer purchase intention and viewing experience. Viewing experience positively affected consumer purchase intention. More specifically, placement marketing positively affects consumer purchase intention through viewing experience. According to these results, managerial implications and suggestions for future studies were proposed.


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