  • 學位論文


The Impact of Embedded Marketing and Emotional Attachment in the Korean Drama on the Willingness of Traveling

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


摘要 受到韓劇的影響,不僅開啟一股哈韓的風潮,透過韓劇行銷當地的著名景點,產生以戲劇引領觀光的主題旅遊,而台灣每年到韓國旅遊的人數更是日益增加。本研究以台中市某私立高中生為研究對象,探討韓劇置入性行銷、情感依附對旅遊意願之影響。 本研究以普查進行問卷資料蒐集,共計發放447份問卷,有效回收率為100%。調查結果顯示,收看韓劇之學生族群大多以女性為居多,雖然多數不曾去國韓國,但對於韓國旅遊十分憧憬,可能因為限制於學生身分且平均每月零用錢為3千元以下,但在學生族群中我們調查到,最常收看之戲劇類型還是以韓劇及偶像劇為主,因此,我們可看出學生們對於韓劇之喜愛。迴歸分析結果顯示,韓劇之置入性行銷對情感依附、旅遊意願有顯著正向影響,其中置入性行銷對旅遊意願影響較大,此外,經由獨立樣本T檢定及單因子變異數分析發現,不同高中生個人背景變項,其置入性行銷、情感依附及旅遊意願有部分顯著的差異。 本研究建議韓國戲劇置入更多關於韓國著名景點、文化、美食特色等,透過韓劇媒介可傳播年輕人對於韓國之認同感,更能吸引其前往韓國旅遊之慾望。 【關鍵字】:置入性行銷、情感依附、旅遊意願


Abstract Under the influence of the Korean dramas, it not only starts a trend of people becoming Korean maniacs, it also promotes the famous tourist spots which are being filmed in the Korean dramas. It has also created a wave of theme sightseeing tours based on the drama shows. Moreover, the numbers of Taiwanese traveling to South Korea each year have increased dramatically everyday .This study targeted on a private high school students in Taichung City. It studied the level of traveling willingness in correlation to the embedded marketing and emotional attachment in the Korean dramas. In this study, a general survey was conducted. A total of 447 questionnaires were distributed, with an effective returned rate of 100%. The survey results showed that the majority of this student group watching Korean drama are female. Although most of them had never been to Korea, they looked forward to traveling to Korea. The main reason may be the low average monthly pocket allowance which is less than NT $3,000. However, within the survey, the most often watched types of drama are the idol dramas and Korean dramas, so we can see that students love the Korean dramas. Regression analysis showed that the embedded marketing of Korean dramas had a significant positive impact on the emotional attachment and the travel intentions. Nevertheless, the embedded marketing had a greater impact on the travel intentions. In addition, through the analysis of independent sample T test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the variable on of the high school student’s personal background has a significant impact on the embedded marketing, the emotional attachment and the travel willingness. This study suggests that Korean drama should embed more of the famous attractions, the culture and the gourmet food of South Korea. Through the Korean media, young people can generate more cultural approval towards South Korea and further raistheir desire to travel to South Korea. 【Keywords】: Embedded Marketing, Emotional Attachment, Willingness of Traveling


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2.王雯宗&朱盈蒨,(2010) 旅遊目的地意象與促銷活動對旅遊意願及旅遊行為之影響研究-
