  • 學位論文


Taiwan Ark-Pattern Design based on Ecological Art and Fauvism Art

指導教授 : 傅思華
共同指導教授 : 盧縉梅(Chin-Mei Lu)


臺灣擁有豐富生物多樣性,行政院農委會已紀錄之物種數量超過五萬種,並預估其高達二十至二十五萬。但人類為經濟發展所做的土地開發、環境污染、引進外來種等,各種行為皆造成環境破壞、動物棲地變遷導致物種滅絕與生態系失衡,影響人類生存(行政院農委會林務局自然保育網,2016)。為喚醒生態平衡對於人類生存的重要性,而哺乳類動物與人類最為接近,故以瀕臨絕種保育類野生哺乳動物為本創作論文發想主軸,應用生態藝術概念傳遞動物保育、環境共存的意念,並藉由野獸派炙熱狂潮不羈之畫面,傳達動物的生存窘境,將臺灣瀕臨絕種保育類哺乳動物,象徵性元素與其環境保育警示意境融合為布紋實體輪廓,創作一系列以國內保育類哺乳動物為主的野獸派生態藝術布紋花樣作品。期盼「布思藝臺灣方舟」之作品, 引發人們的保育概念,並期給予土地溫馨的回饋,使人們對臺灣瀕臨絕種的動物有更深的印象與了解,達到增加對保育野生動物及維護環境之精神理念,一同在臺灣永恆共存。


Forestry Bureau, COA, EY has issued a declaration in June 27, 2016. The richness of biodiversity in Taiwan is world famous, that more than 50,000 species lived in this small island for record. Moreover, the estimated number of species are about 200,000 to 250,000. However, the behavior of human beings for economic development leads to environmental pollution, such as land development and invasive species, and so on. These actions leads to environmental destruction, animals habitat changed, species extinction, and even ecosystem imbalances, which will effect human existence. The main purpose of this creation (Taiwan Ark) was tried to provoke the ecological balance is important for human survival. As a result, endangered species of wildlife mammals were inspiration for this creation thesis with application of the ecological art concept and the Fauvism artistic expression techniques, and the pattern design was the vehicle to show the animals’ survival dilemma. The pattern design of this paper were merging the symbolic elements of Taiwan’s endangered species of wildlife mammals with environmental protection warning. The environmental issues were critical in this age, by seeing “Taiwan Ark”, people should have a better impression and understanding of Taiwan’s endangered species. Furthermore, people should pay more attention in how to protect our ecosystem and then, we can live happily ever after in Taiwan.


李昭儀 (2015)。台灣保育類動物插畫創作研究。高雄市,國立高雄師範大學,視覺設計學系研究所。
易子齊(2015)。《寶島動物繪》 台灣保育類動物圖像創作研究。高雄市,國立高雄師範大學,視覺設計學系研究所。
