  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influential Factors of Interpersonal Relationship of College Students

指導教授 : 劉自強


大學生利用課餘時間工讀的情況相當普遍,是否會因工讀佔去讀書和與人交際的時間,而影響其學業與人際關係呢?本研究主要目的,除了調查目前大專生的工讀現狀,探究其工讀動機、工讀後的學習狀況與成效、工讀後自我成長、及與同學和家人的關係變化等議題。以網路問卷進行調查總共回收有效樣本365份,回收資料以敘述性統計、獨力樣本t檢定、單因子變異係數、事後分析、交叉分析等方法進行檢定。研究結果顯示: 1.工讀主因為分擔家計,學生為了補貼家用,所以半工半讀的學生佔樣本數35.5%,為了滿足物質需求的學生約10%。 2.大專生工讀後的確會有曠課、沒時間準備功課等負面學習狀況,但學業成績並沒有顯著變差。 3.整體樣本而言,工讀對大學生的人際關係並沒有顯著影響,但若以父母親對學業的態度來檢定,發現父母較不重視學業成績表現的學生,在工讀後有較多的自信,解決問題的能力提升,人際關係也變好;而父母重視成績的學生,似乎在學業與工作兩者都要兼顧的壓力下,無暇顧及人際關係的維繫。 關鍵詞:工讀、學業成績、人際關係。


工讀 學業成績 人際關係


College students doing part-time job during the term time is very common nowadays. Whether doing part-time job will take too much time for students and have not enough time to study and social. The study investigates the current situation of Taiwan’s college students doing part-time job and test the effects of doing part-time job on students’ learning behavior, academic performance and social life. 365 samples collected from online questionnaire were analyzed by the method of independent samples T-test, ANOVA analysis, post-analysis, and cross analysis. The findings are: 1. The main reason for student taking part-time job is financial necessity, 35.5% students work because their family financial support is not enough. On the other hand, near 10% students work for money to get their material needs. 2. There are some negative effects of doing part-time job such as missing classes, spending less time on studying, but no significant negative effect on academic achievement. 3. There is no effect on students’ social life for doing part-time job. When test by parents’ attitude toward their academic performance, it shows that students whose parents do not care their academic performance have more confidence and better social life. For the students whose parents care their academic performance seems having pressure from work and study make them hardly to maintain social life. Keywords: part-time job, academic performance, social life


王文志(1996)。專科高年級學生課餘工讀與學習成就之關係。技術學刊,11 (3),297-303頁。
